3 Rêbendan 2025
5 day ago
A large protest by students and citizens has been announced for December 31st in Belgrade. "We must not allow the student blockades to be diluted. When the whole world is celebrating, we must show that there is no reason to celebrate in this country, not before justice."
Verbić: The potential of student protests – to become one of the most important events in Europe
1 week ago
Serok Zelensky: Bi Serokomarê Sirbistanê Aleksandar Vuçiç re bi telefonê pêwendiyeke telefonî pêk anî û geşepêdana peywendiyên di navbera welatên me de gotûbêj kir. Ji bo piştgiriya aborî û însanî spasiya Sirbistanê kir. Hewldanên me yên li ser rêya hevpar a YE'yê bi koordîne kirin
Students in Novi Sad hold protest march, block traffic
1 week ago
Rûsya NATO tawanbar kir ku hewl dide Moldovayê bike "navendeke lojîstîk" ji bo peydakirina artêşa Ukraynayê û hewl dide ku binesaziya xwe ya leşkerî nêzîkî Rûsyayê bike.
.@anabrnabic: December 22 protest was against @avucic, not a student protest
1 week ago
Rûsya hikûmeta Moldovayê bi amadekariya desteserkirina santrala elektrîkê ya li Transnistria tawanbar dike. "Girtina bi darê zorê ya santrala elektrîkê ya li Transnistria (Moldova GRES) ji hêla Chisinau ve dê bibe sedema encamên cidî û bêîstîqrar li Ewropayê", - Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê.
Maia Sandu: Dema ku welatên me Noelê pîroz dikin, Kremlin wêrankirinê hildibijêre - binesaziya enerjiyê ya Ukraynayê dike armanc û bi mûşekê qada hewayî ya Moldovayê binpê dike, kiryarên ku bi eşkere qanûnên navneteweyî binpê dikin. Moldova van kiryaran mehkûm dike û bi Ukraynayê re bi tevahî piştgirî ye
Serokwezîrê Kosovayê Kurti ji ber ku Vucic bi protestoyan re mijûl dibe, di betlaneyê de, di nav wan de Noelê Ortodoks de, li bakurê welêt xetereya êrîşên terorîstî hişyar kir. Em pabend in ku ji bo bêbandorkirina vê rêbaza mayî ya Sirbistanê her tiştê ku ji destê me tê bikin, wî got1 week ago
Serokwezîrê Kosovayê Kurti ji ber ku Vucic bi protestoyan re mijûl dibe, di betlaneyê de, di nav wan de Noelê Ortodoks de, li bakurê welêt xetereya êrîşên terorîstî hişyar kir. "Em pabend in ku ji bo bêbandorkirina vê rêbaza mayî ya Sirbistanê her tiştê ku ji destê me tê bikin," wî got
Dead and wounded in an explosion in a factory containing explosives in the Karisi district of Balikesir, Turkey
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić had a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the situation in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the announced sanctions on the Serbian Oil Industry, and bilateral relations.
Serokê Gagaûzyayê Eugenia Gutsul got ku rayedarên herêmê Maia Sandu wekî Seroka Moldovayê nas nakin.
Big anti-corruption protest in Belgrade Tens of thousands demand Serbian President Vucic to resign
1 week ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 67 km SE of Ierápetra, Greece
Students, farmers, citizens come to protest at Slivija in Belgrade
Students are protesting in Belgrade today1 week ago
Students are protesting in Belgrade today
1 week ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 8 km ENE of Paravóla, Greece
Albania shuts down TikTok at least for a year: PM
1 week ago
In Šabac, citizens and students marched together towards the municipal police headquarters, because this morning municipal police officers took away a banner from the students of the Gymnasium. The protest is ongoing
2 week ago
Vujošević sent a strong message: "Let's fulfill Vučić's wish, that there will be 100,000 of us"
US Department of State: The U.S. is sanctioning seven individuals and entities for their part in Republika Srpska President Dodik’s patronage network. We’re also sanctioning a Bosnia and Herzegovina politician who serves as a key facilitator of Dodik’s corruption and destabilizing political agenda
2 week ago
Students disrupt Education minister’s meeting in Nis
Students protest in front of the Niš City Assembly. Opposition councilors walked out of the assembly session to offer their support2 week ago
Students protest in front of the Niš City Assembly. Opposition councilors walked out of the assembly session to offer their support
Students protested in front of the Vojvodina Parliament; Budget adopted without debate, Gendarmerie members guarded the building
2 week ago
Parliament security forces push journalists out of the hall, student protest in front of the building
NATO chief demands establishment of facts and those responsible for attack on Ibar-Lepenc canal in Kosovo
Bosnia’s Border Police on Monday raided locations in ten cities across the country and arrested three of their own officers and three officials from the Indirect Taxation Authority on suspicion of “accepting bribes and other forms of benefits”
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his accompanying delegation arrive in Ain el-Tineh to meet with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri
Protests in Belgrade against the demolition of the Savski Bridge2 week ago
Protests in Belgrade against the demolition of the Savski Bridge
Protest in support of students in Brussels: "Corruption in Serbia is killing"