5 Cotmeh 2024
3 month ago
Wezîrê Derve yê Ukraynayê Kuleba dê li Chisinau bi serokên karên derve yên Moldova û Romanya re hevdîtinan bike.
3 month ago
Vučić called on the leaders of the "We don't give Jadar" protest to take a polygraph together, to see who was "paid"
3 month ago
The Agreement on free trade between Serbia and China enters into force
Kosovo banned TikTok in public institutions during today's cabinet meeting. Reportedly, Kosovo is exploring a countrywide ban on TikTok3 month ago
Kosovo banned TikTok in public institutions during today's cabinet meeting. Reportedly, Kosovo is exploring a countrywide ban on TikTok
Serokê Ukraynayê Volodymyr Zelenskyi li Kîevê bi Seroka Slovenya Nataşa Pirc Musar re hevdîtinek pêk anî.3 month ago
Serokê Ukraynayê Volodymyr Zelenskyi li Kîevê bi Seroka Slovenya Nataşa Pirc Musar re hevdîtinek pêk anî.
Ursula von der Leyen: Ji bo vekirina danûstandinên endamtiyê ji Moldova û Ukraynayê re pîroz dikin. Ev nûçeyek pir baş e ji bo gelê Ukrayna, Moldova û tevahiya Yekîtiya Ewropî. Rêya li pêş dê dijwar be lê tijî derfet be. Bi hêviya destpêkek serkeftî ya danûstandinan
3 month ago
Berdevkê Kremlînê: Rûsya, bi Sirbîstanê re di têkiliyê de ye, dê çavdêriya hinardekirina cebilxaneyên Belgradê bike, ku tê îdiakirin ku li Kîevê bi dawî bûye.
3 month ago
Em nikarin hinardeyî Ukrayna û Rûsyayê bikin, lê gelek peymanên me bi DYE, Spanî, Çek û yên din re hebûn. Ya ku ew di dawiyê de bi wê re dikin bijartina wan e, "got Vučić
3 month ago
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić instructed his country to prepare for war. Vučić instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be prepared for every possible scenario and provide all the necessary reserves, as he expects the situation in Europe to worsen by the end of the year
3 month ago
Alert in Leros/Greece: Arrests for espionage as migrants were found photographing a naval base. The incident has raised concerns about security on the island
Network data show major disruptions to internet connectivity in Montenegro corresponding to power outages also impacting neighbouring countries amidst a regional heatwave; the incident is caused by a fire on a power line per initial reports
3 month ago
Pisporê payebilind ê baş agahdar li ser Ukraynayê / NATO ji Sirbîstanê re got ku di navbera 700 û 900 mîlyon euro de top firotiye Ukraynayê, 30% ji hemî topên di şerê xwe yê parastina ji Rûsyayê de peyda dike.
MUP: Seven fire engines put out the fire at the Evrojug factory in Šid, no one was injured3 month ago
MUP: Seven fire engines put out the fire at the Evrojug factory in Šid, no one was injured
Lebanon's Foreign Ministry: Lebanese-Cypriot relations are based on a long history of diplomatic cooperation, communication and consultation are ongoing and at a continuous pace
3 month ago
Cyprus Government: No country will be granted permission to conduct military operations through Cyprus
One person died, several were injured in an explosion in Cetinje3 month ago
One person died, several were injured in an explosion in Cetinje
Cyprus suspends the provision of visas to the Lebanese at the Cypriot embassy against the backdrop of Nasrallah's statements
3 month ago
DYE, Brîtanya, Kanada: "Em şirîkên xwe yên demokratîk û Hevalbendên xwe hişyar dikin ku aktorên rûsî planek dikin ku bandorê li encamên hilbijartinên serokatiyê yên Moldovayê yên payîza 2024an bikin. Ew dixwazin li Moldovayê protestoyan tehrîk bikin, ger namzedek alîgirê Rûsyayê bi ser nekeve
The head of Gagauzia, Hutsul, was sanctioned by US Treasury
3 month ago
Vulin and Shoigu just had a meeting in Moscow
Komîsyona Ewropî piştrast kir ku Ukrayna û Moldova hemî gavên ji bo destpêkirina danûstandinan bi tevahî qedandine
Pûtîn li St4 month ago
Pûtîn li St
Sererkanê Giştî yê Moldovayê agahiyên veşartî ji rêvebirên xwe yên GRU re eşkere kir. Nameya Igor Gorgan bi GRU ya Rûsyayê re eşkere dike ku wî agahdarî li ser şandina çekan ji bo Ukrayna û siyaseta navxweyî ya Moldovayê daye Moskowê.
4 month ago
Turkish President Erdogan hosted Kosovo PM @albinkurti at the Presidential Complex in Ankara. Kurti will also meet with Foreign Minister Fidan, attend the inaugural Kosovo-Turkey business forum, and meet with the diaspora community in Istanbul
4 month ago
Turkish Navy Ada class corvette F 513 TCG Burgazada spotted today afternoon northbound Chios Strait after Efes24 exercise finished
4 month ago
Turkish President Erdogan: 'We are testing 33 different systems, including new domestic systems, in Efes-2024 exercise'
4 month ago
Turkish President Erdogan: No country targeted in Efes-2024 drill, it is peacekeeping exercise
The government of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, has withdrawn a Law on the Special Registry and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organisations from a vote in parliament without explanation
Blinken nû çûye Chisinau ji bo hevdîtinek bi Serok @sandumaiamd Presserê Hevbeş re ku bişopîne. Tê payîn ku ew ji bo Moldovayê pakêtek piştgirî ya 'bihêz' ragihîne, wekî ku rayedarên payebilind destnîşan dikin
The NATO Parliamentary Assembly has overwhelmingly voted to upgrade the Kosovo Assembly to associate member, the highest status in the PA until NATO membership.There was only one vote against, with 14 abstentions. The NATO PA has 281 envoys from 32 member states