6 Tîrmeh 2024
Wezîrê Parastinê yê Hollandayê @DefensieMin û Kavalec @USAmbRO yekemîn Navenda Perwerdehiya F-16 a Ewropayê ya di NATOyê de, li Baregeha Hewayî ya 86 a li Fetesti, Romanya, vekirin. Ji bo pîlotên NATO û Ukrayna7 month ago
Wezîrê Parastinê yê Hollandayê @DefensieMin û Kavalec @USAmbRO yekemîn Navenda Perwerdehiya F-16 a Ewropayê ya di NATOyê de, li Baregeha Hewayî ya 86 a li Fetesti, Romanya, vekirin. Ji bo pîlotên NATO û Ukrayna
7 month ago
Five U.S. Army Special Operations troops killed in a helicopter refueling accident off the southeastern coast of Cyprus on Saturday morning, according to U.S. officials familiar with the incident
7 month ago
A truck with medicines from central Serbia arrived at KBC Kosovska Mitrovica
Komîsyona Ewropî: Me Pakêta xweya Berfirehkirinê ya 2023-an pejirand û pêşniyar dike ku danûstandinên bi Ukrayna û Moldovayê re vekin, statûya berendamê bidin Gurcistanê û vekirina danûstandinên tevlêbûnê bi Bosna û Herzegovina re, gava ku asta pêbaweriyê were bidestxistin.
8 month ago
Ukrayna koma yekem a ji 43 hemwelatiyên Ukraynayê û 36 hemwelatiyên Moldovayê ji Xezzeyê derxistin
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake occurred in the Marmara Sea (EMSC)8 month ago
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake occurred in the Marmara Sea (EMSC)
US Embassy: Dodik's threats of secession destabilizing for the region
Pênc balafirên Hollandî yên F-16 îro ber bi baregeha hewayî ya Feteşti ya Romanyayê ve diçin. Navenda perwerdehiya F16 ya ji bo perwerdekirina pîlotên herdu welatên NATO û Ukraynayê dê di demek nêzîk de vebe8 month ago
Pênc balafirên Hollandî yên F-16 îro ber bi baregeha hewayî ya Feteşti ya Romanyayê ve diçin. Navenda perwerdehiya F16 ya ji bo perwerdekirina pîlotên herdu welatên NATO û Ukraynayê dê di demek nêzîk de vebe
Moldova local general election results: in 19 out of 32 districts the pro-European governing party came first, mainly in the south and centre of the country. But they will probably only get one mayor of a municipality, in Ungheni, in round 2. The capital Chisinau went to Ion Ceban, who says he is now pro-European but he was on a secret visit to Russia on 21 Feb 2022. He is likely to run in the presidential campaign in 2024 and lose against Maia Sandu but then run again in 2028
8 month ago
Vučić: Vulin was not a Russian agent, pressure on him since he took office
8 month ago
Vulin claimed that the US and the EU want his "head as a precondition for not imposing sanctions on Serbia."
8 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 8 km SE of Prokópi, Greece
French radio Europe 1 says a couple from Moldavia, who have been arrested and were behind the painting of around 60 David Stars on buildings in Paris were guided by an "individual in Russia
The President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic @avucic dissolved the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and announced parliamentary elections for December 178 month ago
The President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic @avucic dissolved the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and announced parliamentary elections for December 17
8 month ago
Vučić: We know our obligations and we are ready to fulfill them; Von der Leyen: We want Serbia in the EU, we all have our homework
8 month ago
Cyprus is in talks with the European Union and its neighbors about a humanitarian corridor to Gaza
After three people were killed in armed clashes between people-smugglers, Serbian and Hungarian police agreed to work together in the Serbia-Hungary border area to tackle the criminal gangs involved8 month ago
After three people were killed in armed clashes between people-smugglers, Serbian and Hungarian police agreed to work together in the Serbia-Hungary border area to tackle the criminal gangs involved
After refusing to extradite a Serb to Kosovo to face warcrimes charges last week, the Montenegrin Justice Ministry declined on Monday to send a second Serb war crime suspect, Zivko Vuksanovic, to Kosovo
Joint statement by Scholz, Macron, Meloni: Serbia to deliver on de-facto recognition of Kosovo to launch procedure to establish ASM as prescribed in the statute presented by the European envoys. Vucic said after the meeting he won't deliver on de-facto recognition
.@CharlesMichel: Normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations essential
8 month ago
Zelensky îşev ji serokên EUCO re got: "Ya tevahiya Ewrûpaya me bi we re - bi Ukraynayê re, bi Moldovayê re û di pêşerojê de bi Belarus û Gurcistanê re - dê bi ser keve - an jî dê raborî bi ser bikeve."
Sekreterê Giştî yê NATOyê bi Serokwezîrê Moldovayê re hevdîtin kir: Divê Rûsya leşkerên xwe ji Transnestriya vekişîne.
8 month ago
Serbian Parliament adopts disputed media laws
Dodik confirms trip to Moscow
8 month ago
Vučić: In the next few days I expect to meet with Kurti in Brussels
Li Moldovayê 22 malperên medyaya Rûsyayê wê bên astengkirin. Di nav wan de RT, Zvezda û Tsargrad hene.
Police in Republika Srpska entity banned a protest walk that non-governmental organisations operating in the Bosnia's Serb-majority part planned for Tuesday, prior to public discussion on so-called foreign agents law, which regulates work of NGO sector
8 month ago
‘We are Dodik's family too’ rally held at Pale near Sarajevo
8 month ago
Serbian Defense Ministry rejects @albinkurti accusations on Banjska
According to @RFERL, Kosovo should accept the draft statute of the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities while Serbia should sign the Implementation Annex Vucic and Kurti adopted (verbally, according to EU's foreign policy chief Borrell) in Ohrid last March