6 Tîrmeh 2024
Blinken: Dewletên Yekbûyî "bi tundî" êrîşên tund ên li ser polîsên Kosovayê şermezar dike
Bermahiyên mûşekên S-300 li gundê Kitskany ê Transnistriya Moldovayê ketin.9 month ago
Bermahiyên mûşekên S-300 li gundê Kitskany ê Transnistriya Moldovayê ketin.
The road leading to Banjska remains closed. Prosecutors and investigators heading towards Monastery for evidence. A vehicle filled with ammunition was found close bythis morning, Prosecutor's Office announced9 month ago
The road leading to Banjska remains closed. Prosecutors and investigators heading towards Monastery for evidence. A vehicle filled with ammunition was found close bythis morning, Prosecutor's Office announced
At least four people were shot dead in Northern Kosovo yesterday when Serb gunmen stormed the village of Banjska. The gunmen apparently entered the village in armoured vehicles, firing on police before 30 of them, all armed, hid out at a Serbian Orthodox monastery9 month ago
At least four people were shot dead in Northern Kosovo yesterday when Serb gunmen stormed the village of Banjska. The gunmen apparently entered the village in armoured vehicles, firing on police before 30 of them, all armed, hid out at a Serbian Orthodox monastery
Serbia / Kosovo : Security Forces released new photos of the captured materials from the attackers in the village of Banjska in Zvečan, Mitrovica District. At least one Yugoslavian/Serbian 64mm M80 'Zolja' anti-tank weapon was captured which appears to be unfired9 month ago
Serbia / Kosovo : Security Forces released new photos of the captured materials from the attackers in the village of Banjska in Zvečan, Mitrovica District. At least one Yugoslavian/Serbian 64mm M80 'Zolja' anti-tank weapon was captured which appears to be unfired
9 month ago
Prime Minister of Kosovo: A police officer was killed and another was injured in a shooting operation in Kosovo
The SDA, DF, & NES blocs in the BiH Parliament are challenging the constitutional legality of a draconian libel law in the RS entity which has also been condemned by the EU & U.S. Unclear why the Troika parties, which also criticized the law, have not joined this initiative.
9 month ago
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic demanded international intervention to free three Serbs who were arrested in Kosovo on suspicion of committing war crimes
Îro danê sibê di keştiyeke bi ala Togoyê de, li herêma Sulîna ya Deltaya Dunayê teqînek pêk hat. Keştî xisar dît, rizgarkerên Romanî 12 endamên karmendan girtin. Wisa dixuye ku keştî li mayineke deryayê ketiye9 month ago
Îro danê sibê di keştiyeke bi ala Togoyê de, li herêma Sulîna ya Deltaya Dunayê teqînek pêk hat. Keştî xisar dît, rizgarkerên Romanî 12 endamên karmendan girtin. Wisa dixuye ku keştî li mayineke deryayê ketiye
Karmendekî otêla ku li peravê Tyulenevo ya Bulgaristanê ye, wêneyên drona ku ketiye xwarê weşand.9 month ago
Karmendekî otêla ku li peravê Tyulenevo ya Bulgaristanê ye, wêneyên drona ku ketiye xwarê weşand.
9 month ago
A dry cargo ship from Russia and a container ship collided off the coast of Istanbul, with no reported injuries, according to the Turkish Coast Guard.
9 month ago
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê: Rayedarên Makedonya Bakur bêyî ravekirin, ji sê dîplomatên Balyozxaneya Rûsyayê ya li Skopyayê re persona non grata ragihandin, ev êrîşa bêberpirsiyarî û dijminane wê bê bersiv nemîne.
9 month ago
Turkey and China nearing a nuclear power plant deal. Turkish energy minister says a deal to build a nuclear power plant in eastern Thrace is possible in months as no major issues remain in the negotiations
Kosovo PM @albinkurti disputes Borrell's characterization of the meeting:I don't want to speak on his behalf & he should not speak on my behalf. had a concrete proposal to sequence the implementation of all agreements, while Serbia only wants to impose AMS as a condition
Vučić in Brussels, met with Borrel and Lajčak
Wezareta Derve ya Romanyayê, piştî ku balafira bêpîlot a sêyemîn derbasî qada hewayî ya Romanyayê bû, îro gazî balyozê Rûsyayê Valery Kuzmin kir. Artêşa Romanyayê li hundirê Romanyayê, 14 km li hundir, droneke sêyemîn dît. Helîkoptera hêzên hewayî sewqî herêmê kirin. Çavkaniyên leşkerî: Metirsiya li ser gel rast e. Parçe nekarîn ewqas dûr bifirin, pêdivî ye ku drone heya cihê ketina balafirê bifiriya
9 month ago
Romanya dibêje ku perçeyên drone yên muhtemel li ser xaka wê hatine dîtin
The head of Sputnik Moldova, Vitali Denisov, was deported from Moldova this morning. He is banned from entering the country for 10 years
Li navçeya Îzmaîl a herêma Odesayê di encama êrîşa bi balafirên bê mirov a bi şev de xisar çêbû
Li Renî û Îzmaîl parastina hewayî li dijî dronên bêmirov çalak e, derbe jî hene
9 month ago
Brnabić: Talks in Brussels will be difficult, Kurti does not want the implementation of the Brussels Agreement
Bosnian Serb leader Dodik has attacked Schmidt, delegitimizing him by not being approved by the UN Security Council and declaring that his actions as a "foreigner imposing the laws in BiH" act "against Human Rights"
10 month ago
Berevaniya hewayî ya Ukraynayê li başûrê herêma Odesa çalak e da ku êrişa balafirên bêmirov ên nû li dijî Renî û Îzmaîl bişkîne
Berevaniya hewayî ya Ukraynayê şevê din 25 ji 33 balafirên bêpîlot ên Şehed ên ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve hatibûn avêtin xistin xwarê10 month ago
Berevaniya hewayî ya Ukraynayê şevê din 25 ji 33 balafirên bêpîlot ên Şehed ên ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve hatibûn avêtin xistin xwarê
10 month ago
Çend pêlên êrîşên balafirên bê mirov bi şev li navçeyên Renî û Îzmaîl li başûrê herêma Odesa
Minister of Foreign Affairs @DinoKonakovic has notified the diplomatic status of Russian diplomats who were previously expelled from other countries. This is the REGULATION on the conditions and manner of issuing special identification documents (Identification cards) on the basis of service in diplomatic and consular missions and representative offices of international organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Article 3 prescribes notification
Section of Athens-Thessaloniki motorway closed due to flooding10 month ago
Section of Athens-Thessaloniki motorway closed due to flooding
Montenegrin president Jakov Milatovic said on Wednesday that parliament should vote again on law amendments that enable monthly compensation for all war victims in the 1990s wars
Parçeyên drona rûsî li Romanya, li nêzî gundê Plaurul, Ceatalchioi, wîlayeta Tulcea, li Deltaya Dunayê hatin dîtin.
10 month ago
The Assembly of Serbia continues its work after a stormy vote for a new minister