8 Mijdar 2024
Serokkomar Zelensky li Bulgarîstanê serdanek pêk anî û bi Serokwezîr Nikolai Denkov re hevdîtin kir
1 year ago
Serbia will request an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council because of the threat to the security of its citizens in Kosovo, - Vučić said
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that 40 employees of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, together with their families, will leave the country in the near future
Kesê gumanbarê ku li balafirgeha Chişinauyê gulebaran kiriye welatiyê Tacikistanê ye
Rayedarên Moldovayê hemû saziyên dewletê û her weha saziyên qanûnê xistine nav hişyariya bilind piştî gulebarana kujer li Balafirgeha Chisinau - Serok Maia Sandu. Li gorî wê, di encama gulebaranê de 2 kes hatin kuştin - cerdevanek sînor û karmendek ewlekariya firokexaneyê.
Hat ragihandin ku 2 kesên gumanbarê Rûsyayê li balafirgeha Chişinau gulebaran kirin hatin kuştin, gumanbar hat binçavkirin
1 year ago
Rûsya mudaxele li dirêjkirina erka mîsyona OSCE ya li Moldovayê nekir, ku di 30ê Hezîranê de bi dawî bû. Moskow qebûl kir ku wê heta dawiya vê salê dirêj bike. Di heman demê de, wê şert û mercên berdewamkirina karê mîsyonê bi lidarxistina danûstandinan li ser çareserkirina kêşeya Transnistriyayê kir. Vê carê bi nivîseke zelal hate gotin: eger danûstandin neyên kirin, wê şanda OSCE li Moldova namîne.
The Republika Srpska National Assembly (RNSA) today carried out a reckless attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the BiH Constitution it established. No amount of political rhetoric or misinformation can alter the fundamental fact that Article III (3) of the Dayton Constitution clearly states that the Republika Srpska must fully comply with the decisions of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes final and binding rulings of the BiH Constitutional Court. The Republika Srpska cannot unilaterally nullify this obligation; nor can it legally ignore BiH Constitutional Court decisions.
Serokê partiya Shor ya qedexekirî ya alîgirên Rûsyayê Ilan Shor planên xwe yên birêvebirina hikûmeta xwe ragihand.
Orban: Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has just informed me that in accordance with the request made at our meeting last week, the Serbian authorities will soon release the three previously arrested Kosovo policemen from custody. We highly appreciate the step of President @avucic, which he took in a period of serious challenges, and which decision is a clear proof of the strategic cooperation between our countries, and our mutual commitment to the peace and stability of the Balkans
The attack was aimed at killing Jews was plotted by intelligence services linked to the IRGC. According to sources, the operation to thwart potential assassinations was carried out in cooperation with Cyprus' intelligence together with Western partners
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea
JosepB orrell:Very alarmed by situation in north of Kosovo: extrajudicial arrests of K-Serbs & Kosovo Security Forces marching in South Mitrovica; followed by heavy rhetoric from Serbia. Despite yesterday's crisis meeting, escalation continues & is becoming dangerous. We will not tolerate it
Wezareta Derve ya Moldovayê gazî Balyozê Rûsyayê kir, piştî ku nûnerê desthilatdarên Rûsyayê yên li herêmên Xersonê gefa lêdana pireke li Moldovayê xwar.
Gracanica/Kosovo Dozens of locals gathered on Thursday in front of the police station at the Serb majority municipality, in protest against the arrest of Kosovo Serb D.S. on one war crime charges one day prior1 year ago
Gracanica/Kosovo Dozens of locals gathered on Thursday in front of the police station at the Serb majority municipality, in protest against the arrest of Kosovo Serb D.S. on one war crime charges one day prior
Berfirehbûna Yekîtiya Ewropî: Îro, Komîsyona Yekîtiya Ewropî dê nirxandina devkî ya pêşkeftina di cîbicîkirina şertên pêşwext ên endamtiya Yekîtiya Ewropî de ji hêla Ukrayna, Moldova û Gurcistanê ve pêşkêş bike.
1 year ago
Police arrested a Kosovo Serb suspected of committing war crimes against ethnic Albanians while he was a prison guard during the 1998-99 conflict, causing a protest by locals in the Serb-majority municipality of Gracanica
Li gor nûçeya Reutersê, teqîn li parzûngeha petromidia ya deryaya reş a Romanyayê pêk hatiye
Turkish activity with 6 (at least) UAVs in different altitudes at east Thrace1 year ago
Turkish activity with 6 (at least) UAVs in different altitudes at east Thrace
.@StateDept has today called on Vucic and Serbia "to immediately and unconditionally release the three Kosovo police detained on June 14. Their arrest and ongoing detention on spurious charges has exacerbated an already tense situation"
1 year ago
Kosova dibêje ku Sirbîstan "revand
1 year ago
Greece: Seventeen dead after the sinking of a migrant boat in the Ionian Sea
The High Representative of the International Community for Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, and the EU Delegation strongly condemned on Monday the statements of Dario Kordic, in which he disputes responsibility for war crimes
1 year ago
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced the upcoming snap parliamentary elections, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced her resignation
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 6 km SW of Atalánti, Greece
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Bulgaria
Vučić: Time for Pristina to form the ZSO, and want to believe that the international community has vehicles for realizing the obligations of the Pristina side1 year ago
Vučić: Time for Pristina to form the ZSO, and "want to believe" that the international community has vehicles for realizing the obligations of the Pristina side
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 4 km SSE of Fântânele, Romania
Wezareta Xezînedariya Dewletên Yekbûyî yên Amerîkayê (OFAC) heft endamên sereke yên komeke bandora xerab a girêdayî îstîxbarata Rûsyayê ji ber rola wan di kampanya bêîstîqrarê ya Federasyona Rûsyayê de û kampanyayên bandora xerab a berdewam li Moldovayê ceza kir.
The Turkish special purpose battalion from the 65th mechanized brigade that was transferred to Kosovo* has 450 soldiers and officers plus 20 people from civil-military personnel1 year ago
The Turkish special purpose battalion from the 65th mechanized brigade that was transferred to Kosovo* has 450 soldiers and officers plus 20 people from civil-military personnel