3 Ianuarie 2025
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Președintele Zelensky: A avut o conversație telefonică cu președintele sârb Aleksandar Vučić pentru a discuta despre dezvoltarea relațiilor dintre țările noastre. A mulțumit Serbiei pentru sprijinul financiar și umanitar. Ne-am coordonat eforturile pe calea comună către UE
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Students in Novi Sad hold protest march, block traffic
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Rusia a acuzat NATO că încearcă să transforme Moldova într-un „centru logistic" pentru aprovizionarea armatei ucrainene și că încearcă să-și apropie infrastructura militară de Rusia.
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.@anabrnabic: December 22 protest was against @avucic, not a student protest
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Rusia acuză guvernul moldovean că se pregătește să pună mâna pe centrala electrică din Transnistria. „Sechestrarea forțată a centralei electrice din Transnistria (Moldova GRES) de către Chișinău va duce la consecințe grave și instabilitate în Europa", - Ministerul rus de Externe
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Maia Sandu: În timp ce țările noastre sărbătoresc Crăciunul, Kremlinul alege distrugerea — țintind infrastructura energetică a Ucrainei și încălcând spațiul aerian al Moldovei cu o rachetă, acțiuni care încalcă în mod clar dreptul internațional. Moldova condamnă aceste acte și este deplină solidară cu Ucraina
Premierul kosovar Kurti avertizează asupra amenințării cu atacuri teroriste în partea de nord a țării în timpul sărbătorilor, inclusiv Crăciunul ortodox, în timp ce Vucic se confruntă cu proteste. „Ne angajăm să facem tot ce putem pentru a neutraliza această metodă rămasă a Serbiei, a declarat el1 o săptămână înapoi
Premierul kosovar Kurti avertizează asupra amenințării cu atacuri teroriste în partea de nord a țării în timpul sărbătorilor, inclusiv Crăciunul ortodox, în timp ce Vucic se confruntă cu proteste. „Ne angajăm să facem tot ce putem pentru a neutraliza această metodă rămasă a Serbiei", a declarat el
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Dead and wounded in an explosion in a factory containing explosives in the Karisi district of Balikesir, Turkey
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Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić had a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the situation in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the announced sanctions on the Serbian Oil Industry, and bilateral relations.
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Președintele Găgăuziei, Eugenia Guțul, a spus că autoritățile din regiune nu o recunosc pe Maia Sandu ca președinte al Republicii Moldova.
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Big anti-corruption protest in Belgrade Tens of thousands demand Serbian President Vucic to resign
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 67 km SE of Ierápetra, Greece
Students, farmers, citizens come to protest at Slivija in Belgrade1 o săptămână înapoi
Students, farmers, citizens come to protest at Slivija in Belgrade
Students are protesting in Belgrade today1 o săptămână înapoi
Students are protesting in Belgrade today
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 8 km ENE of Paravóla, Greece
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Albania shuts down TikTok at least for a year: PM
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In Šabac, citizens and students marched together towards the municipal police headquarters, because this morning municipal police officers took away a banner from the students of the Gymnasium. The protest is ongoing
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Vujošević sent a strong message: "Let's fulfill Vučić's wish, that there will be 100,000 of us"
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US Department of State: The U.S. is sanctioning seven individuals and entities for their part in Republika Srpska President Dodik’s patronage network. We’re also sanctioning a Bosnia and Herzegovina politician who serves as a key facilitator of Dodik’s corruption and destabilizing political agenda
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Students disrupt Education minister’s meeting in Nis
Students protest in front of the Niš City Assembly. Opposition councilors walked out of the assembly session to offer their support2 o săptămână înapoi
Students protest in front of the Niš City Assembly. Opposition councilors walked out of the assembly session to offer their support
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Students protested in front of the Vojvodina Parliament; Budget adopted without debate, Gendarmerie members guarded the building
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Parliament security forces push journalists out of the hall, student protest in front of the building
NATO chief demands establishment of facts and those responsible for attack on Ibar-Lepenc canal in Kosovo
Bosnia’s Border Police on Monday raided locations in ten cities across the country and arrested three of their own officers and three officials from the Indirect Taxation Authority on suspicion of “accepting bribes and other forms of benefits”
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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his accompanying delegation arrive in Ain el-Tineh to meet with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri
Protests in Belgrade against the demolition of the Savski Bridge2 o săptămână înapoi
Protests in Belgrade against the demolition of the Savski Bridge
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Protest in support of students in Brussels: "Corruption in Serbia is killing"
Kosovo PM Kurti was received with the highest state honors by Croatia's PM Plenkovic. Croatia strongly supports Kosovo's EU membership and the dialogue should lead to mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, Plenkovic stated. The countries signed 6 agreements, including on police cooperation2 o săptămână înapoi
Kosovo PM Kurti was received with the highest state honors by Croatia's PM Plenkovic. Croatia strongly supports Kosovo's EU membership and the dialogue should lead to mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, Plenkovic stated. The countries signed 6 agreements, including on police cooperation
The moment when in Novi Sad, during peaceful protests and paying tribute to the victims, thugs ran into the citizens and started beating them2 o săptămână înapoi
The moment when in Novi Sad, during peaceful protests and paying tribute to the victims, thugs ran into the citizens and started beating them