4 Iulie 2024
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea1 an înapoi
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea
JosepB orrell:Very alarmed by situation in north of Kosovo: extrajudicial arrests of K-Serbs & Kosovo Security Forces marching in South Mitrovica; followed by heavy rhetoric from Serbia. Despite yesterday's crisis meeting, escalation continues & is becoming dangerous. We will not tolerate it
MAE din Moldova l-a convocat pe ambasadorul Rusiei după ce un reprezentant al autorităților ruse de ocupație din anumite părți ale regiunii Herson a amenințat că va lovi un pod în Moldova
Gracanica/Kosovo Dozens of locals gathered on Thursday in front of the police station at the Serb majority municipality, in protest against the arrest of Kosovo Serb D.S. on one war crime charges one day prior1 an înapoi
Gracanica/Kosovo Dozens of locals gathered on Thursday in front of the police station at the Serb majority municipality, in protest against the arrest of Kosovo Serb D.S. on one war crime charges one day prior
Extinderea UE: Astăzi, Comisia UE va prezenta evaluarea orală a progresului în implementarea condițiilor preliminare pentru aderarea la UE de către Ucraina, Moldova și Georgia
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Police arrested a Kosovo Serb suspected of committing war crimes against ethnic Albanians while he was a prison guard during the 1998-99 conflict, causing a protest by locals in the Serb-majority municipality of Gracanica
Explozie a avut loc la rafinăria Petromidia de la Marea Neagră din România, spune unitatea de intervenție în caz de urgență - Reuters
Turkish activity with 6 (at least) UAVs in different altitudes at east Thrace1 an înapoi
Turkish activity with 6 (at least) UAVs in different altitudes at east Thrace
.@StateDept has today called on Vucic and Serbia "to immediately and unconditionally release the three Kosovo police detained on June 14. Their arrest and ongoing detention on spurious charges has exacerbated an already tense situation"
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Kosovo spune că Serbia „a fost răpită
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Greece: Seventeen dead after the sinking of a migrant boat in the Ionian Sea
The High Representative of the International Community for Bosnia, Christian Schmidt, and the EU Delegation strongly condemned on Monday the statements of Dario Kordic, in which he disputes responsibility for war crimes
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Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced the upcoming snap parliamentary elections, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced her resignation
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 6 km SW of Atalánti, Greece
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Bulgaria
Vučić: Time for Pristina to form the ZSO, and want to believe that the international community has vehicles for realizing the obligations of the Pristina side1 an înapoi
Vučić: Time for Pristina to form the ZSO, and "want to believe" that the international community has vehicles for realizing the obligations of the Pristina side
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 4 km SSE of Fântânele, Romania
Trezoreria SUA OFAC sancționează șapte membri de frunte ai unui grup de influență malignă legat de informațiile Rusiei pentru rolul lor în campania de destabilizare a Federației Ruse și campaniile continue de influență malignă în Moldova
The Turkish special purpose battalion from the 65th mechanized brigade that was transferred to Kosovo* has 450 soldiers and officers plus 20 people from civil-military personnel1 an înapoi
The Turkish special purpose battalion from the 65th mechanized brigade that was transferred to Kosovo* has 450 soldiers and officers plus 20 people from civil-military personnel
Turkey responds to NATO's request for maintaining peace by deploying a commando unit to Kosovo. The unit has set off from Thrace
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Under pressure from Western leaders, Kosovo's PM and President said they are open to new local elections in the four northern Serb-dominated municipalities
Președintele Zelensky sa întâlnit cu președintele Maia Sandu în timpul vizitei în Moldova
Locals gather for a fourth day of protests against newly elected mayors in Serb dominant Kosovo north. nnIn the early morning hours on Wednesday, they carried a giant Serbian flag in front of the municipality building in Zvecan1 an înapoi
Locals gather for a fourth day of protests against newly elected mayors in Serb dominant Kosovo north. nnIn the early morning hours on Wednesday, they carried a giant Serbian flag in front of the municipality building in Zvecan
Kosovo police announced on Wednesday morning that it had stopped a car with Slovenian license plates at the Jarinje border crossing with Serbia and arrested two  citizens after confiscating “camouflage masks, emblems with nationalist symbols, documentation.”1 an înapoi
Kosovo police announced on Wednesday morning that it had stopped a car with Slovenian license plates at the Jarinje border crossing with Serbia and arrested two citizens after confiscating “camouflage masks, emblems with nationalist symbols, documentation.”
Vučević: The security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is high risk, Serbia has defined a red line1 an înapoi
Vučević: The security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is high risk, Serbia has defined a red line
In the north of Kosovo, the night passed peacefully, Serbs have been gathering again since this morning1 an înapoi
In the north of Kosovo, the night passed peacefully, Serbs have been gathering again since this morning
US Department of State: Kosovo’s actions to forcibly enter municipal buildings has escalated confrontation. Violence against Kosovo Force peacekeepers, police, and journalists is unacceptable. All parties must immediately lower tensions and return to the EU-led Dialogue
Secretary Blinken: The United States strongly condemns yesterday’s attacks against @NATO led Kosovo Force (KFOR) peacekeepers, and urges both sides to take immediate actions to de-escalate tensions and to recommit to EU-led normalization talks
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US Ambassador: Cancellation of participation in the military exercise is the first consequence for Kosovo
NATO will send an additional 700 troops to Kosovo, and will also prepare another battalion in case of need - Stoltenberg