14 January 2025
El president d'Ucraïna Zelensky: va tenir una trucada telefònica amb Maia Sandu, tenim una tasca important per ajudar Moldàvia amb la crisi energètica
Dairy workers' protest begins in Bogatić: We have no other choice, we have to demand rights on the streets
6 day ago
Protest at the Aeronautical Academy in Belgrade over the replacement of the director: Parents claim that the safety of children is at risk
Novi Sad students announce protest in front of courthouse tomorrow
Power outages in Transnistria to last up to 8 hours a day. Coal supplies are running critically low
1 week ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 13 km NNW of Kyparissía, Greece
Protest in front of the Ministry of Interior in Podgorica, citizens in Cetinje pay tribute to those killed in the crime
Citizens protesting in Podgorica demanded accountability from authorities for the tragedy in Cetinje
Protest in front of the Government of Montenegro building: "Where were you on January 1st"
Moldova PM warns of security crisis, denounces Russian gas cut-off
Moldova: Tiraspol refused to accept Chișinău's assistance in supplying gas through an alternative corridor. They stated that they would wait for Gazprom to resume deliveries
1 week ago
Vučević to teachers who support protests: You won't work. There are those who want to, there are other professors.
Chisinau va oferir suport a Tiraspol per organitzar la compra de gas natural a qualsevol plataforma gasista europea. La decisió depèn de Tiraspol: pagar el gas o esperar el gas rus "gratuït".
Totes les empreses industrials de Transnistria han aturat la feina per manca de recursos energètics, - les autoritats locals
At least seven people have been killed in a shooting in Cetinje (Montenegro), Montenegrin media reported. Children are among the dead. The attacker is on the run
Transnistria té la calefacció tallada des de l'1 de gener a causa del cessament del subministrament de gas. Tirasteploenergo va informar que ja no es subministra calor i aigua calenta a la població, les institucions pressupostàries i les organitzacions
2 week ago
Vučić: Students can do whatever they want - all demands met, politics behind protests
2 week ago
Vulin: The demands of the violent protests in Novi Sad are demands for a coup d'état
Prosecutors in the northern Serbian city of Novi Sad filed an indictment on Monday against 13 people in connection with the collapse of a railway station awning last month that killed 15 people and sparked a wave of protests
2 week ago
PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan says he can help deliver peace, calls on all political parties to work for this. Parliament is where it should be debated. He is hence seeking constitutional changes. He did not tell the PKK to call off the war—yet
Moldova: Gazprom has officially announced that it will leave Transnistria without gas from January 1
2 week ago
Student protest in Belgrade
2 week ago
A large protest by students and citizens has been announced for December 31st in Belgrade. "We must not allow the student blockades to be diluted. When the whole world is celebrating, we must show that there is no reason to celebrate in this country, not before justice."
Verbić: The potential of student protests – to become one of the most important events in Europe
2 week ago
President Zelensky: Va tenir una conversa telefònica amb el president serbi, Aleksandar Vučić, per parlar del desenvolupament de les relacions entre els nostres països. Va donar les gràcies a Sèrbia pel suport financer i humanitari. Hem coordinat els nostres esforços en el camí comú cap a la UE
Students in Novi Sad hold protest march, block traffic
2 week ago
Rússia va acusar l'OTAN d'intentar convertir Moldàvia en un "centre logístic" per subministrar l'exèrcit ucraïnès i d'intentar acostar la seva infraestructura militar a Rússia.
.@anabrnabic: December 22 protest was against @avucic, not a student protest
2 week ago
Rússia acusa el govern de Moldàvia de preparar-se per apoderar-se de la central elèctrica a Transnistria. "La presa forçosa de la central elèctrica a Transnistria (Moldova GRES) per part de Chisinau comportarà greus conseqüències i inestabilitat a Europa", va dir el Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors rus
Maia Sandu: Mentre els nostres països celebren el Nadal, el Kremlin opta per la destrucció, apuntant a la infraestructura energètica d'Ucraïna i violant l'espai aeri de Moldàvia amb un míssil, accions que violen clarament el dret internacional. Moldàvia condemna aquests actes i es mostra en plena solidaritat amb Ucraïna