11 November 2024
2 ferits quan un vaixell civil sota bandera de Panamà va ser colpejat per una mina marítima al Mar Negre10 month ago
2 ferits quan un vaixell civil sota bandera de Panamà va ser colpejat per una mina marítima al Mar Negre
Kosovo's PM took a wait-and-see line after Serbia announced on Monday that drivers with Kosovo license plates can enter Serbian territory from January 1 – seemingly ending a years-long dispute that at times has turned violent10 month ago
Kosovo's PM took a wait-and-see line after Serbia announced on Monday that drivers with Kosovo license plates can enter Serbian territory from January 1 – seemingly ending a years-long dispute that at times has turned violent
Vucic ally Dodik appoints Vulin, the US-sanctioned former Serbian spy chief, as a Senator in the BiH entity of Republika Srpska. Dodik and Vulin attended Vucic's "victory party", which followed an election marred by widespread fraud and irregularities
10 month ago
Russian Ambassador to Serbia: @avucic informed me the West is behind unrest in Belgrade
The blockade moved to the corner of Nemanjina and Knez Miloš10 month ago
The blockade moved to the corner of Nemanjina and Knez Miloš
Students are protesting in Belgrade10 month ago
Students are protesting in Belgrade
Police reinforcement at the King Milan street10 month ago
Police reinforcement at the King Milan street
10 month ago
In Belgrade, anti-government protests continue one week after the parliamentary and local elections. Protesters are trying to storm the building of the Belgrade City Assembly
10 month ago
Belgrade: Demonstrators throw stones and bottles at the Assembly building
10 month ago
Dron Shahed sobre el districte de Tatarbunary a la regió d'Odesa
President Vučić: Citizens should not worry, no revolution is underway10 month ago
President Vučić: Citizens should not worry, no revolution is underway
Vučić: No hi ha cap revolució a la vista10 month ago
Vučić: No hi ha cap revolució a la vista
Thousands protest in Belgrade to demand elections annulled10 month ago
Thousands protest in Belgrade to demand elections annulled
Representatives of the opposition are trying to forcefully enter the Belgrade City Assembly, the door and window were broken. The police, who are in the Belgrade City Assembly building in equipment to break up demonstrations, responded with tears.10 month ago
Representatives of the opposition are trying to forcefully enter the Belgrade City Assembly, the door and window were broken. The police, who are in the Belgrade City Assembly building in equipment to break up demonstrations, responded with tears.
10 month ago
Mass march in Istanbul, Turkey; Condemning the massacres in the Gaza Strip.
10 month ago
Legislative elections in Serbia: first official results confirm the victory of the presidential camp
10 month ago
Serbian election officials confirm Serbian Progressive Party [SNS]'s victory in parliamentary elections, after announcing initial results from the weekend's polls; SNS earns roughly 46% of votes and leading opposition coalition secures just 23.5% of ballots
Protests in Serbia have started after numerous elections irregularities10 month ago
Protests in Serbia have started after numerous elections irregularities
10 month ago
German Foreign Ministry: Serbia has voted, but @osce_odihr reports misuse of public resources, voter intimidation and cases of vote buying. This is unacceptable for a country with EU candidate status
Vučić: Good and open conversation with Viola von Kramon10 month ago
Vučić: Good and open conversation with Viola von Kramon
La Marina romanesa augmenta la capacitat de les seves forces MCM al Mar Negre: el caçamines de la classe Sandown, el sublocotenent ROS, Ion Ghiculescu (x- @RoyalNavy HMS Blyth) va transitar pel Bòsfor cap al Mar Negre en el camí des de l'astillera de Rosyth al Firth of Forth fins a Constanta10 month ago
La Marina romanesa augmenta la capacitat de les seves forces MCM al Mar Negre: el caçamines de la classe Sandown, el sublocotenent ROS, Ion Ghiculescu (x- @RoyalNavy HMS Blyth) va transitar pel Bòsfor cap al Mar Negre en el camí des de l'astillera de Rosyth al Firth of Forth fins a Constanta
Serbia, national parliament election:78.1% sample of CeSID / Ipsos parallel count: SNS -EPP: 46.5% ( 3.5); SPN-S&D G/EFA RE: 23.3% ( 4.9); SPS/JS~S&D: 6.8% (-4.6); NADA~NI: 4.8% (-0.6); Mi GIN- 4.8% (new); SSZ/Dveri~ID NI: 2.8% (-4.7);.  /- vs. 202211 month ago
Serbia, national parliament election:78.1% sample of CeSID / Ipsos parallel count: SNS -EPP: 46.5% ( 3.5); SPN-S&D G/EFA RE: 23.3% ( 4.9); SPS/JS~S&D: 6.8% (-4.6); NADA~NI: 4.8% (-0.6); Mi GIN- 4.8% (new); SSZ/Dveri~ID NI: 2.8% (-4.7);. /- vs. 2022
11 month ago
Szijarto: Hungary vetoes Sofia's entry into Schengen unless it abolishes the gas transit tax
11 month ago
El Kremlin considera que l'adhesió d'Ucraïna i Moldàvia a la Unió Europea pot "desestabilitzar" les seves files
Serbia's PM has conveyed in writing that Serbia will not implement the provisions of the Brussels & Ohrid agreements regarding the de-facto recognition of Kosovo, despite the explicit requests made by Scholz, Macron & Meloni.@JosepBorrellF & @MiroslavLajcak have yet to react
Charles Michel: El Consell Europeu ha decidit obrir negociacions d'adhesió amb Ucraïna i Moldàvia. EUCO va concedir l'estatus de candidat a Geòrgia. I la UE obrirà negociacions amb Bòsnia i Hercegovina un cop s'assoleixi el grau necessari de compliment dels criteris de pertinença i ha convidat la comissió a informar abans del març per tal de prendre aquesta decisió. Un clar senyal d'esperança per a la seva gent i per al nostre continent
11 month ago
Un altre dron rus es va estavellar al territori de Romania, en una zona deshabitada, després dels atacs d'ahir a la nit a la infraestructura portuària d'Ucraïna al Danubi. Els avions de caça de la Força Aèria Romanesa i els aliats van ser remenats per dur a terme missions de vigilància. Romania ha informat a tots els aliats i al secretari general @jensstoltenberg i es manté en estreta coordinació. @MAERomania va convocar l'ambaixador rus per protestar contra aquestes accions continuades, que estan en flagrant contradicció amb el dret internacional i una escalada irresponsable
La defensa aèria d'Ucraïna va abatre 41 dels 42 drons Shahed durant la nit, també Rússia va llançar 6 míssils S-300 des de la part ocupada de la regió de Kherson cap a la regió de Mykolaiv11 month ago
La defensa aèria d'Ucraïna va abatre 41 dels 42 drons Shahed durant la nit, també Rússia va llançar 6 míssils S-300 des de la part ocupada de la regió de Kherson cap a la regió de Mykolaiv
11 persones han resultat ferides durant l'atac d'un dron rus a la regió d'Odesa durant la nit
Drones Shahed al sud de la regió d'Odesa cap a Izmail i Reni