7 month ago BiH’s Constitutional Court has partially struck down a decision by the Court of BiH which awarded secessionist Dodik key fourth envoy in BiH House of Peoples
Šešelj: We are participating in the elections with SNS in all municipalities, except for two
7 month ago The Committee on Political Affairs & Democracy has adopted the report inviting Kosovo to join the Council of Europe: 31 votes in favor, 4 against, and 1 abstention. The report by former FM Bakoyannis will proceed to a vote before the full Parliamentary Assembly
7 month ago Serbian President Vucic:nn“Now it is not easy for me to say what news we have received in the last 48 hours.The vital national interests of Serbia & Republika Srpska are under threat. I will inform Serbs about the challenges. It will be hard. We will fight. Serbia will win."
Kosovo and Serbia negotiation teams are in Brussels today, and the joint meeting has already started. They are to discuss with Lajcak the proposals of both sides about the currency dispute
Vučić convened a meeting of the National Security Council: BIA to secure stadiums and shopping centers
Vučić announced Serbia's exit from the Council of Europe
El ministre d'Afers Exteriors rus Lavrov es va reunir amb el ministre d'Afers Exteriors de Sèrbia, Ivica Dačić
Latest EUCO conclusions: "the European Council decides to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzehovina. The European Council invites the Council to adopt the negotiating framework once the relevant steps set out in the Commission’s recommendation of 12 October 2022 are taken."
El Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors de Moldàvia expulsarà un empleat de l'ambaixada russa a causa de l'obertura de col·legis electorals a Transnistria
Vučić: Today I will have an important meeting with Dodik, I believe that Patriarch Porfirije will also join us
7 month ago Only 3% of the many Russians living in Serbia and Montenegro voted for Putin. Comparing to the vote in the EU member states 35%, 59% etc. the results are striking
El representant de la Intel·ligència Militar d'Ucraïna diu que un incident a Transnistria és una "provocació russa"
7 month ago Vídeo de l'helicòpter Mi-8 destruït per un dron a Transnistria
7 month ago Les autoritats de la regió de Transnistria diuen que un dron va colpejar una base militar provocant una explosió i un incendi
8 month ago Un home va ser detingut a Chisinau per llançar un còctel molotov a l'edifici de l'ambaixada de Rússia
.@avucic: Belgrade wants good relations with Moscow
British Foreign Secretary: The Cyprus sea corridor is not an alternative to land aid to Gaza
CNN: The organization that sent an aid ship from Cyprus to Gaza confirms that it will distribute the aid itself.
La Comissió Europea va recomanar a la UE27 iniciar converses d'adhesió amb Bòsnia i Hercegovina
8 month ago El MFA de Moldàvia ha convocat l'ambaixador rus després d'informes que els col·legis electorals russos s'obriran a Transnistria
8 month ago França es compromet a "suport inquebrantable" a Moldàvia enmig de les amenaces de desestablisament rus
8 month ago Putin es va reunir a Sotxi amb el cap (bashkan) de l'autonomia gagausa de Moldàvia, Evgenia Gutsul
França i Moldàvia signaran aquest dijous un acord de cooperació en defensa. L'acord subratllarà "el suport a la independència, la sobirania i la seguretat de la República de Moldàvia, en el context de la guerra d'agressió de Rússia contra Ucraïna".
Moldàvia va suspendre la participació en el Tractat de les Forces Armades Convencionals a Europa
Turkey’s Fidan says Cyprus turned into a weapons and ammunition logistical base for Israel
8 month ago Kosovo police arrested a Serb in North Mitrovica who is accused of sexual violence during the 1998-99 war, sparking an angry reaction from Serbian officials
La guerra d'agressió de Rússia contra Ucraïna fa que l'ampliació de la UE sigui una necessitat geopolítica. Ja no ens podem permetre cap zona grisa a Europa. Volem fer el camí cap a la UE colze al costat de Montenegro. @ABaerbock amb la FM de Montenegro @fivanovicpg
Greek defense minister @NikosDendias in Armenia: nWe have established a successful trilateral defense cooperation with Cyprus, but other formats can exist, with France, with India. Important powers that are common friends of Armenia and Greece
KFOR: A new contingent of Turkish soldiers has arrived in Kosovo