5 Január 2025
At least seven people have been killed in a shooting in Cetinje (Montenegro), Montenegrin media reported. Children are among the dead. The attacker is on the run
Podnestersko má od 1. januára prerušené kúrenie z dôvodu zastavenia dodávok plynu. Tirasteploenergo oznámilo, že obyvateľstvo, rozpočtové inštitúcie a organizácie už nedodávajú teplo a teplá voda
4 Deň Pred
Vučić: Students can do whatever they want - all demands met, politics behind protests
4 Deň Pred
Vulin: The demands of the violent protests in Novi Sad are demands for a coup d'état
Prosecutors in the northern Serbian city of Novi Sad filed an indictment on Monday against 13 people in connection with the collapse of a railway station awning last month that killed 15 people and sparked a wave of protests
6 Deň Pred
PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan says he can help deliver peace, calls on all political parties to work for this. Parliament is where it should be debated. He is hence seeking constitutional changes. He did not tell the PKK to call off the war—yet
Moldova: Gazprom has officially announced that it will leave Transnistria without gas from January 1
1 Týždeň Pred
Student protest in Belgrade
1 Týždeň Pred
A large protest by students and citizens has been announced for December 31st in Belgrade. "We must not allow the student blockades to be diluted. When the whole world is celebrating, we must show that there is no reason to celebrate in this country, not before justice."
1 Týždeň Pred
Verbić: The potential of student protests – to become one of the most important events in Europe
1 Týždeň Pred
Prezident Zelenskij: Mal telefonický rozhovor so srbským prezidentom Aleksandarom Vučićom, aby prediskutoval vývoj vzťahov medzi našimi krajinami. Poďakoval Srbsku za finančnú a humanitárnu podporu. Koordinoval naše úsilie na spoločnej ceste do EÚ
1 Týždeň Pred
Students in Novi Sad hold protest march, block traffic
1 Týždeň Pred
Rusko obvinilo NATO, že sa snaží zmeniť Moldavsko na „logistické centrum" na zásobovanie ukrajinskej armády a že sa snaží priblížiť svoju vojenskú infraštruktúru Rusku
1 Týždeň Pred
.@anabrnabic: December 22 protest was against @avucic, not a student protest
1 Týždeň Pred
Rusko obviňuje moldavskú vládu z prípravy zabavenia elektrárne v Podnestersku. "Násilné zabavenie elektrárne v Podnestersku (Moldavsko GRES) Kišiňovom povedie k vážnym následkom a nestabilite v Európe," - ruské ministerstvo zahraničia
1 Týždeň Pred
Maia Sandu: Zatiaľ čo naše krajiny oslavujú Vianoce, Kremeľ volí deštrukciu – zameriava sa na energetickú infraštruktúru Ukrajiny a narúša vzdušný priestor Moldavska raketou, čo sú činy, ktoré jasne porušujú medzinárodné právo. Moldavsko odsudzuje tieto činy a vyjadruje plnú solidaritu s Ukrajinou
Kosovský premiér Kurti varuje pred hrozbou teroristických útokov v severnej časti krajiny počas sviatkov vrátane pravoslávnych Vianoc, keď Vučič zápasí s protestmi. Sme odhodlaní urobiť všetko, čo je v našich silách, aby sme neutralizovali túto zostávajúcu metódu Srbska, uviedol1 Týždeň Pred
Kosovský premiér Kurti varuje pred hrozbou teroristických útokov v severnej časti krajiny počas sviatkov vrátane pravoslávnych Vianoc, keď Vučič zápasí s protestmi. "Sme odhodlaní urobiť všetko, čo je v našich silách, aby sme neutralizovali túto zostávajúcu metódu Srbska," uviedol
1 Týždeň Pred
Dead and wounded in an explosion in a factory containing explosives in the Karisi district of Balikesir, Turkey
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Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić had a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the situation in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the announced sanctions on the Serbian Oil Industry, and bilateral relations.
1 Týždeň Pred
Šéfka Gagauzie Eugenia Gutsul uviedla, že orgány regiónu neuznávajú Maiu Sandu ako prezidentku Moldavska.
1 Týždeň Pred
Big anti-corruption protest in Belgrade Tens of thousands demand Serbian President Vucic to resign
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 67 km SE of Ierápetra, Greece
Students, farmers, citizens come to protest at Slivija in Belgrade1 Týždeň Pred
Students, farmers, citizens come to protest at Slivija in Belgrade
Students are protesting in Belgrade today1 Týždeň Pred
Students are protesting in Belgrade today
2 Týždeň Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 8 km ENE of Paravóla, Greece
Albania shuts down TikTok at least for a year: PM
2 Týždeň Pred
In Šabac, citizens and students marched together towards the municipal police headquarters, because this morning municipal police officers took away a banner from the students of the Gymnasium. The protest is ongoing
2 Týždeň Pred
Vujošević sent a strong message: "Let's fulfill Vučić's wish, that there will be 100,000 of us"
US Department of State: The U.S. is sanctioning seven individuals and entities for their part in Republika Srpska President Dodik’s patronage network. We’re also sanctioning a Bosnia and Herzegovina politician who serves as a key facilitator of Dodik’s corruption and destabilizing political agenda
2 Týždeň Pred
Students disrupt Education minister’s meeting in Nis