Vučić called on the leaders of the "We don't give Jadar" protest to take a polygraph together, to see who was "paid"
The Agreement on free trade between Serbia and China enters into force
4 mėnesį prieš Kosovo banned TikTok in public institutions during today's cabinet meeting. Reportedly, Kosovo is exploring a countrywide ban on TikTok
4 mėnesį prieš Ukrainos prezidentas Volodymyras Zelenskis Kijeve susitiko su Slovėnijos prezidente Nataša Pirc Musar
Ursula von der Leyen: Sveikiname Moldovą ir Ukrainą pradėjus stojimo derybas. Tai labai gera žinia Ukrainos, Moldovos ir visos Europos Sąjungos žmonėms. Kelias į priekį bus sudėtingas, bet pilnas galimybių. Linkiu sėkmingos derybų pradžios
Kremliaus atstovas: Rusija, bendradarbiaudama su Serbija, nagrinės Belgrado amunicijos eksportą, kuris tariamai atsidūrė Kijeve
Negalime eksportuoti į Ukrainą ar Rusiją, bet turėjome daug sutarčių su JAV, ispanais, čekais ir kt. Galų gale, ką jie su tuo daro, yra jų pasirinkimas", – aiškino Vučičius
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić instructed his country to prepare for war. Vučić instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be prepared for every possible scenario and provide all the necessary reserves, as he expects the situation in Europe to worsen by the end of the year
Alert in Leros/Greece: Arrests for espionage as migrants were found photographing a naval base. The incident has raised concerns about security on the island
Network data show major disruptions to internet connectivity in Montenegro corresponding to power outages also impacting neighbouring countries amidst a regional heatwave; the incident is caused by a fire on a power line per initial reports
Gerai informuotas vyresnysis Ukrainos ekspertas / NATO sakė, kad Serbija pardavė sviedinius Ukrainai už 700–900 mln.
4 mėnesį prieš MUP: Seven fire engines put out the fire at the Evrojug factory in Šid, no one was injured
Lebanon's Foreign Ministry: Lebanese-Cypriot relations are based on a long history of diplomatic cooperation, communication and consultation are ongoing and at a continuous pace
Cyprus Government: No country will be granted permission to conduct military operations through Cyprus
4 mėnesį prieš One person died, several were injured in an explosion in Cetinje
Cyprus suspends the provision of visas to the Lebanese at the Cypriot embassy against the backdrop of Nasrallah's statements
JAV, JK, Kanada: „Įspėjame savo demokratinius partnerius ir sąjungininkus, kad Rusijos veikėjai vykdo sąmokslą, siekdami paveikti 2024 m. rudenį vyksiančių Moldovos prezidento rinkimų rezultatus. Jie ketina kurstyti protestus Moldovoje, jei prorusiškas kandidatas nelaimėtų
The head of Gagauzia, Hutsul, was sanctioned by US Treasury
Vulin and Shoigu just had a meeting in Moscow
Europos Komisija patvirtino, kad tiek Ukraina, tiek Moldova baigė visus žingsnius deryboms pradėti
5 mėnesį prieš Putinas Sankt Peterburge susitiko su Serbų Respublikos prezidentu Miroslavu Dodiku
Moldovos generalinio štabo viršininkas nutekino slaptą informaciją savo GRU tvarkytojams. Igorio Gorgano susirašinėjimas su Rusijos GRU atskleidžia, kad jis suteikė Maskvai informaciją apie ginklų tiekimą Ukrainai ir Moldovos vidaus politiką.
Turkish President Erdogan hosted Kosovo PM @albinkurti at the Presidential Complex in Ankara. Kurti will also meet with Foreign Minister Fidan, attend the inaugural Kosovo-Turkey business forum, and meet with the diaspora community in Istanbul
Turkish Navy Ada class corvette F 513 TCG Burgazada spotted today afternoon northbound Chios Strait after Efes24 exercise finished
Turkish President Erdogan: 'We are testing 33 different systems, including new domestic systems, in Efes-2024 exercise'
Turkish President Erdogan: No country targeted in Efes-2024 drill, it is peacekeeping exercise
The government of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, has withdrawn a Law on the Special Registry and Publicity of the Work of Non-Profit Organisations from a vote in parliament without explanation
5 mėnesį prieš Blinkenas ką tik nusileido Kišiniove, kur susitiks su prezidentu @sandumaiamd jungtiniu spaudos atstovu. Tikimasi, kad jis paskelbs „tvirtą" paramos paketą Moldovai, kaip sakė aukšto rango pareigūnai
The NATO Parliamentary Assembly has overwhelmingly voted to upgrade the Kosovo Assembly to associate member, the highest status in the PA until NATO membership.There was only one vote against, with 14 abstentions. The NATO PA has 281 envoys from 32 member states
State Department: Yesterday, Mr. Dodik announced that the Republika Srpska government took a formal decision to propose RS “disassociation” from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is RS secession by another name, and it is dangerous, irresponsible, anti-Dayton, and puts the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multiethnic character of BiH at risk. These are core U.S. interests. The United States will defend and protect them by, among other things, holding those who put them at risk accountable for their actions.