6 Liepos 2024
Montenegrin police reported on Friday that one people died and five were wounded after the bomb exploded in Basic court building in Podgorica
Explosion in Podgorica Elementary Court: One person killed, five injured
Moldovos opozicija sekmadienį, kovo 12 d., paskelbė apie naują protesto mitingą. Mitingo dalyviai rinksis 13 val. prie Parlamento rūmų.
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Greeks will hold a third day of protests across the country after a fatal train collision killed at least 57 people, sparking public criticism of government failures in the rail network
Police raid Larissa train station in Greece as part of the investigation into a collision between two trains that killed at least 57 people, a police spokesman tells @AFP.  The police have seized. all the documents which can help the investigation, the spokesman says1 metų prieš
Police raid Larissa train station in Greece as part of the investigation into a collision between two trains that killed at least 57 people, a police spokesman tells @AFP. "The police have seized. all the documents which can help the investigation," the spokesman says
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Greece train crash death toll rises to 57 amid search
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With at least 46 people killed, the head-on collision has been called the country's deadliest crash on record
At the support protest in Belgrade to dismissed prosecutors handling sensitive corruption case, around a thousand protesters asked for returning them to work, adding that they will continue with protests until that happens1 metų prieš
At the support protest in Belgrade to dismissed prosecutors handling sensitive corruption case, around a thousand protesters asked for returning them to work, adding that they will continue with protests until that happens
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Prime Minister @kmitsotakis said a tragic human error was likely responsible for the deadly train clash in northern Greece that has claimed dozens of victims – as angry citizens clashed with police in Athens
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Death rises to 43 and more expected in Greece's deadliest train crash
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Vučićius, Serbijos prezidentas: „Serbai, kurie buvo užverbuoti kovoti Ukrainoje, „bus suimti, kai grįš į Serbiją ir bus pasiekiami mūsų institucijų. Draugiškoje šalyje taip neverbuosi"
Moldovos premjeras Dorinas Receanas Bukarešte susitiko su Rumunijos prezidentu @KlausIohannis ir Rumunijos premjeru Nicolae Ciuca
At least 36 people were killed after a train with 350 passengers aboard collided with a freight train in northern Greece. Two of the carriages basically don't exist anymore, a regional governor said1 metų prieš
At least 36 people were killed after a train with 350 passengers aboard collided with a freight train in northern Greece. Two of the carriages "basically don't exist anymore," a regional governor said
Emergency service workers were at the scene of a train collision in northern Greece, which killed at least 29 people. At least 85 others were injured when a passenger train crashed into an oncoming freight train near Tempe1 metų prieš
Emergency service workers were at the scene of a train collision in northern Greece, which killed at least 29 people. At least 85 others were injured when a passenger train crashed into an oncoming freight train near Tempe
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A train carrying hundreds of passengers has collided with an oncoming freight train in northern Greece, killing 32 people and injuring at least 85. Officials say multiple train cars derailed and at least three caught fire after the crash during the nigh
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A passenger train carrying hundreds of people collided with an oncoming freight train in a fiery wreck in northern Greece early Wednesday, killing 26 and injuring at least 85, officials said
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At least 26 dead, 85 injured after a passenger train and a freight train collide along a route between two popular tourist cities in northern Greece. First responders are at the incident, which occurred some 230 miles north of Athens
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Multiple train cars derailed and at least three caught fire after the crash near Tempe, 235 miles north of Athens
Vietos valdžia Padniestrėje paskelbė trijų mėnesių treniruočių stovyklą norintiems tarnauti taikdariais nuo kovo 1 d.
Kišiniove daug policijos pajėgų
Dodik: Vučić did not sign anything, he kept the promise made in the Parliament
Pasak policijos, protestuotojai blokuoja abi greitkelio M2 juostas, vedančias į Kišiniovą, ir blokuoja greitosios pagalbos automobilius1 metų prieš
Pasak policijos, protestuotojai blokuoja abi greitkelio M2 juostas, vedančias į Kišiniovą, ir blokuoja greitosios pagalbos automobilius
Joint meeting in Brussels between Kosovo's PM @albinkurti, Serbia's Vucic, EU foreign affairs chief @JosepBorrellF, and EU Western Balkans Envoy @MiroslavLajcak1 metų prieš
Joint meeting in Brussels between Kosovo's PM @albinkurti, Serbia's Vucic, EU foreign affairs chief @JosepBorrellF, and EU Western Balkans Envoy @MiroslavLajcak
Nežinomi žmonės dažais apliejo Rossotrudnichestvo pastatą Kišiniove
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It's propaganda
Rusijos gynybos ministerija apkaltino Ukrainą rengiantis invazijai į Moldovos Padniestrės regioną, pažadėjo Rusijos karių atsaką ten
Rumunija iškvietė Rusijos ambasadorių į Užsienio reikalų ministeriją. Šalis nusprendė uždaryti Rusijos kultūros ir mokslo centrą Bukarešte
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Vučić: I will whine again, be a moron and a moron, but Serbia will not lack anything
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Moldovos armija vasario 21–23 dienomis surengs pratybas Balti mieste
Naujasis Moldovos ministras pirmininkas sako, kad Padniestrėje dislokuoti Rusijos kariai turi būti išvaryti „pavojai didėja", – pridūrė jis.
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Kosovo ministras pirmininkas: Rusija suinteresuota perkelti savo karo Ukrainoje poveikį Balkanams