15 Rujan 2024
Ruski agresorski rat protiv Ukrajine čini proširenje EU geopolitičkom nužnošću. Ne možemo si više priuštiti nikakve sive zone u Europi. Želimo da idemo putem ka EU rame uz rame sa Crnom Gorom. @ABaerbock sa crnogorskim FM @fivanovicpg
6 mjesec pre
Greek defense minister @NikosDendias in Armenia: nWe have established a successful trilateral defense cooperation with Cyprus, but other formats can exist, with France, with India. Important powers that are common friends of Armenia and Greece
6 mjesec pre
KFOR: A new contingent of Turkish soldiers has arrived in Kosovo
Predsjednik Zelensky razgovarao je s predsjednikom Sanduom o situaciji u Pridnjestrovlju
.@avucic : Sankcije Rusiji nisu uključene u deklaraciju samita u Tirani
Pridnjestrovlje traži pomoć od Rusije zbog ekonomske blokade iz Kišinjeva. Odgovarajuću deklaraciju usvojio je Kongres zastupnika
Predsjednik Zelensky danas je u Tirani, u Albaniji, predložio zajednički forum obrambene industrije Ukrajina - Zapadni Balkan kako bi se potaknula koprodukcija oružja. "Zainteresirani smo za koprodukciju s vama i svim našim partnerima. Naš vladin tim će predstaviti detalje. Predlažemo održavanje posebnog Ukrajinsko-balkanskog foruma obrambene industrije u Kijevu ili u jednom od vaših glavnih gradova"
Ukrajina potpisala s Albanijom sporazum o prijateljstvu i suradnji, — Zelenski
Sudionici kongresa zastupnika svih razina koji se otvara u Pridnjestrovlju namjeravaju zamoliti Rusiju za pomoć, - stoji u nacrtu rezolucije kongresa koju su zastupnici dobili na uvid. Zatražiti od Vijeća Federacije i Državne dume Ruske Federacije da provedu mjere za zaštitu Pridnjestrovlja
6 mjesec pre
Serbia cracks down on anti-war Russians living in the Balkan country
Premijer Republike Moldavije: Pozdravljam odluku američke vlade da na popis sankcija uključi one koji su odgovorni za radnje koje podrivaju sigurnost i miješanje u izbore povezano s Kremljem. Podrška naših partnera ide ruku pod ruku s našim stalnim naporima u borbi protiv prijevara
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Putin met with Milorad Dodik in Kazan to discus situation in Republika Srpska
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CENTCOM: Houthi Attack in Bab al-Mandeb. On Feb. 12 from 3:30 to 3:45 a.m. (Sanaa time), Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired two missiles from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen toward the Bab al-Mandeb. Both missiles were launched toward MV Star Iris, a Greek-owned, Marshall Islands-flagged cargo vessel transiting the Red Sea carrying corn from Brazil. The ship reports being seaworthy with minor damage and no injuries to the crew. Of note, the MV Star Iris’s destination is Bandar Iman Khomeini, Iran
Mitrovica: Locals are holding a mass protest after Pristina's decision to cancel the circulation of the Serbian dinar from February 1, and leave the euro as the only officially accepted currency7 mjesec pre
Mitrovica: Locals are holding a mass protest after Pristina's decision to cancel the circulation of the Serbian dinar from February 1, and leave the euro as the only officially accepted currency
EU ambassador to Moldova Janis Mazeiks: "We cannot exclude the option in which, in a first phase, the Republic of Moldova would join the EU without the Transnistrian region. In the accession negotiations, we will have only one partner - the Government of the Republic of Moldova"
Predsjednica Moldavije Maia Sandu rekla je da želi iskoristiti referendum kako bi u ustavu odredila nepovratnost pristupanja zemlje Europskoj uniji
7 mjesec pre
A Greek-owned Marshall Islands-flagged ship traveling from the United States to India has been targeted in the southwest of Yemen, British maritime security company Ambrey reported
7 mjesec pre
Vučić: We pay salaries, pensions and other benefits to Serbs in Kosovo in advance
Avia Invest, affiliated with the oligarch Ilan Shor, irrevocably lost the case against the Moldovan Government regarding the recognition of the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce's in Stockholm decision of the state regaining control over the Chisinau Int. Airport
Vučić najavljuje da će Srbija uskoro pokazati sustav za elektroničku borbu protiv dronova kupljen od Rusije7 mjesec pre
Vučić najavljuje da će Srbija uskoro pokazati sustav za elektroničku borbu protiv dronova kupljen od Rusije
7 mjesec pre
Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announces the arrest of the perpetrator of the attack that targeted a church in Istanbul on Sunday
Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack against the Istanbul church, killing a person today. A bit bizarre7 mjesec pre
Islamic State claims responsibility for the attack against the Istanbul church, killing a person today. A bit bizarre
Two gunmen attack an Italian church in Istanbul’s Sariyer, targeting one of the attendees and killing him/her7 mjesec pre
Two gunmen attack an Italian church in Istanbul’s Sariyer, targeting one of the attendees and killing him/her
Predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski telefonski je razgovarao s predsjednicom Slovenije Natašom Pirc Musar7 mjesec pre
Predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski telefonski je razgovarao s predsjednicom Slovenije Natašom Pirc Musar
Egypt's Suez Shipyard receives the Greek dry bulk carrier Zografia to repair damage caused by Houthis missile attack on the ship while sailing in southern Red Sea7 mjesec pre
Egypt's Suez Shipyard receives the Greek dry bulk carrier Zografia to repair damage caused by Houthis missile attack on the ship while sailing in southern Red Sea
8 mjesec pre
Vučić and Kurti will meet on Monday in Skopje at the meeting of regional leaders on the Western Balkans
8 mjesec pre
Egyptian Presidency: Egyptian-Greek agreement on the need to push seriously towards settling the Palestinian issue in a just and comprehensive manner
Glasnogovornik Europske komisije upravo je potvrdio da će "odmah" započeti skrining pristupa EU s Ukrajinom i Moldavijom
8 mjesec pre
The protest of the opposition due to election irregularities ended with the lighting of candles for Oliver Ivanovic in the Church of St. Mark
8 mjesec pre
Ministri obrane Ukrajine i Rumunjske razgovarali su o inicijativi za razminiranje Crnog mora