Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 53 km S of Palekastro, Greece
Uhićen je vozač koji se zabio u kapiju ruske ambasade u Kišinjevu
1 godine pre Strongly wind storm in Oradea, Romania
1 godine pre Pictures of the destruction as a result of the storms in Oradea, Romania
18 ruskih diplomata i 27 tehničkog osoblja protjerano je iz Moldavije, 10 diplomata i 15 tehničkog osoblja ostat će
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Moldavije obavijestilo je rusko veleposlanstvo o odluci o smanjenju broja ruskih diplomata
Forest fires rage in three provinces of Turkey - Antalya, Manisa, and Kahramanmaraş. These scenes were captured from the resort town of Kemer
A big fire continues in Antalya's Kemer district, but its progress has been stopped. It is being intervened by helicopters and firefighters
Firefighters battling large fire in Antalya, Turkey
1 godine pre 2,500 evacuated from Corfu, Greece due to wildfires
1 godine pre Sea evacuations begin as wildfires spark chaos in CorfunnSee more nn
A team of firefighters from Slovakia fight fires and drive through thick smoke to control the wildfires raging on the Greek island of Rhodes
Parlament Moldavije otkazao je Konvenciju o Međuparlamentarnoj skupštini ZND-a, potpisanu 1995. u Minsku
Čelnik regionalne komunističke partije Pridnjestrovlja Oleg Horzhan nasmrt je izboden nožem u svojoj kući
Jovanović: The USA will not provide the Serbian government with evidence about Vulin, that is not the practice
Interior Minister of Moldova Anna Revenco, Minister of Education and Research Anatolie Topale and Minister of Infrastructure Lilia Dabizha resigned
Vučić with Chen Bo: Necessary special session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo
US Sanctions Aleksandar Vulin, former Serbian Interior Minister, for large scale corruption
Kurti: I cannot hand over a democratic country to this fascist militia in the north
State Department kaže da su SAD poduprle isporuku Turskoj F-16 aviona i podupiru težnju Ankare da se pridruži EU
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 18 km E of Thérmo, Greece
Predsjednik Zelenski boravi u posjetu Bugarskoj, sastao se s premijerom Nikolajem Denkovim
Serbia will request an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council because of the threat to the security of its citizens in Kosovo, - Vučić said
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that 40 employees of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, together with their families, will leave the country in the near future
Osumnjičeni napadač u zračnoj luci Kišinjev je državljanin Tadžikistana
Moldavske vlasti stavile su sve državne institucije, kao i agencije za provođenje zakona u stanje pripravnosti nakon smrtonosne pucnjave u zračnoj luci Kišinjev - predsjednica Maia Sandu. Prema njezinim riječima, u pucnjavi su ubijene dvije osobe - graničar i djelatnik službe sigurnosti zračne luke
Dvoje navodno ubijeno nakon što je osumnjičeni ruski državljanin otvorio vatru u zračnoj luci Chișinău, osumnjičeni je priveden
Rusija se nije miješala u produljenje mandata misije OESS-a u Moldaviji, koji je završio 30. lipnja. Moskva ga je pristala produžiti do kraja ove godine. Ujedno je uvjetovala nastavak rada misije sazivanjem pregovora o rješenju pridnjestrovskog sukoba. Ovaj put je otvoreno rečeno: ako do pregovora ne dođe, misija OESS-a u Moldaviji prestaje postojati.
The Republika Srpska National Assembly (RNSA) today carried out a reckless attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the BiH Constitution it established. No amount of political rhetoric or misinformation can alter the fundamental fact that Article III (3) of the Dayton Constitution clearly states that the Republika Srpska must fully comply with the decisions of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes final and binding rulings of the BiH Constitutional Court. The Republika Srpska cannot unilaterally nullify this obligation; nor can it legally ignore BiH Constitutional Court decisions.
Čelnik proruske zabranjene stranke Shor Ilan Shor najavio je planove za vođenje vlastite vlade