Dodik: RS has no reason to stay in BiH, whose system is unsustainable
Marokanac uhapšen u Banjaluci zbog pokušaja ubistva Indijca
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 54 km SW of Palaióchora, Greece
1 mjesec pre The Greek-Cypriot president Nikos Christodoulides said that reunification is the only path forward, 50 years after Turkish troops invaded and left the island divided
Cypriot leader says no option but reunification, 50 years after Turkey invasion
The program TV N1 has been broadcast since this morning with major technical problems caused by an antivirus program that affects the operation of computers on a global level
1 mjesec pre Predsjednica Ukrajine sastala se sa premijerom Španjolske Sanchezom i premijerom Slovenije Golobom, potpisan sigurnosni sporazum između Ukrajine i Slovenije
1 mjesec pre U sklopu sudjelovanja na summitu Europske političke zajednice, predsjednik Ukrajine Volodymyr Zelenskyi susreo se s predsjednikom Republike Srbije Oleksandrom Vučićem
Serbia government greenlights disputed lithium mining project: statement
1 mjesec pre Saipem is progressing its pipelay activities on state-owned Turkish Petroleum's $3.6 billion Sakarya gas project in the Black Sea. Castoro 10 lay barge was towed thru Bosphorus en route to offshore Filyos
Police in Zaječar seized 360 stems of cannabis, arrested four
Vučić: Srbija „nema“ genocid u Srebrenici ni po jednoj presudi
Politika journalist injured in Kosovska Mitrovica, police say the attacker was mentally ill
1 mjesec pre At the invitation of the US President, Kosovo President Osmani stood alongside leaders of NATO countries at the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C
Kosovo Police: Serbian flag burned in northern Mitrovica
2 mjesec pre Kosovo Assembly voted a resolution on Srebrenica, but after initially proposing, took away UN Resolution reference on 'criminal accountability for the crime of genocide is individualised and cannot be attributed to any ethnic, religious or other group or community as a whole'
Vučić: Serbs guard Dayton, the leadership in Sarajevo and some from the West want to destroy it
Ukrajinski ministar vanjskih poslova Kuleba razgovarat će u Kišinjevu sa šefovima vanjskih poslova Moldavije i Rumunjske
Vučić called on the leaders of the "We don't give Jadar" protest to take a polygraph together, to see who was "paid"
Stupa na snagu Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini Srbije i Kine
2 mjesec pre Kosovo banned TikTok in public institutions during today's cabinet meeting. Reportedly, Kosovo is exploring a countrywide ban on TikTok
2 mjesec pre Predsjednik Ukrajine Volodymyr Zelenskyi održao je u Kijevu sastanak s predsjednicom Slovenije Natašom Pirc Musar
Ursula von der Leyen: Čestitam Moldaviji i Ukrajini na otvaranju pristupnih pregovora. Ovo je jako dobra vijest za građane Ukrajine, Moldavije i cijele Europske unije. Predstojeći put bit će izazovan, ali pun prilika. Želimo vam uspješan početak pregovora
Glasnogovornik Kremlja: Rusija će u kontaktu sa Srbijom provjeriti izvoz streljiva iz Beograda koje je navodno završilo u Kijevu
Ne možemo izvoziti u Ukrajinu ili Rusiju, ali smo imali mnogo ugovora sa SAD-om, Španjolcima, Česima i drugima. Što će s tim na kraju učiniti, njihov je izbor", objasnio je Vučić
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić instructed his country to prepare for war. Vučić instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be prepared for every possible scenario and provide all the necessary reserves, as he expects the situation in Europe to worsen by the end of the year
Alert in Leros/Greece: Arrests for espionage as migrants were found photographing a naval base. The incident has raised concerns about security on the island
Network data show major disruptions to internet connectivity in Montenegro corresponding to power outages also impacting neighbouring countries amidst a regional heatwave; the incident is caused by a fire on a power line per initial reports
Dobro obaviješteni viši stručnjak za Ukrajinu / NATO rekao je da je Srbija prodala Ukrajini granate u vrijednosti između 700 i 900 milijuna eura, isporučujući 30% svih topničkih granata u svom ratu braneći se od Rusije
2 mjesec pre MUP: Seven fire engines put out the fire at the Evrojug factory in Šid, no one was injured