6 Juillet 2024
1 année il y a
Kosovo's government decided to approve expropriationa of property for infrastructure projects "of public interest" in the Serb-majority north despite locals protesting earlier that day that such decisions were illegal. Read more
Serbian president @avucic spoke at the beginning of the Serbian Parliament Special Session about the situation regarding negotiation with Kosovo. EPA/Andrej Cukic1 année il y a
Serbian president @avucic spoke at the beginning of the Serbian Parliament Special Session about the situation regarding negotiation with Kosovo. EPA/Andrej Cukic
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 22 km SE of Paralía, Greece
Le chef d'état-major des forces navales roumaines a exhorté les navigateurs en mer Noire ou près de la côte à informer les autorités s'ils repèrent des objets flottants suspects. L'appel a été lancé alors que des tempêtes marines sont attendues et après la découverte d'une mine marine sur la plage roumaine jeudi1 année il y a
Le chef d'état-major des forces navales roumaines a exhorté les navigateurs en mer Noire ou près de la côte à informer les autorités s'ils repèrent des objets flottants suspects. L'appel a été lancé alors que des tempêtes marines sont attendues et après la découverte d'une mine marine sur la plage roumaine jeudi
Miroslav Lajcak: Back in Kosovo today to continue my frank, open and intense discussions with PM @albinkurti and DPM @BislimiBesnik on next steps and the way forward on normalisation of relations with Serbia. We also agreed that all past Dialogue Agreements must be fully implemented1 année il y a
Miroslav Lajcak: Back in Kosovo today to continue my frank, open and intense discussions with PM @albinkurti and DPM @BislimiBesnik on next steps and the way forward on normalisation of relations with Serbia. We also agreed that all past Dialogue Agreements must be fully implemented
1 année il y a
Albania Police has found 38 other surveillance cameras placed ilegally in Shkodra, that belonged to the local criminal groups, according to the police
1 année il y a
.@JosepBorrellF : Belgrade, Pristina to show commitment to EU proposal
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Greece
1 année il y a
Le président moldave Maia Sandu reconnaît que le pays doit évaluer s'il peut se défendre ou s'il "devrait faire partie d'une alliance plus large
1 année il y a
Les démineurs moldaves ont fait exploser une ogive explosive de 80 kilogrammes d'un missile russe tombé dans le nord du pays près de Larga le 14 janvier
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 11 km WSW of Klos, Albania
1 année il y a
La défense aérienne a abattu un missile dans la région d'Odessa
Flooding in Protaras1 année il y a
Flooding in Protaras
Dodik awarded Putin with the Order of the Republic of Srpska on a necklace
1 année il y a
A big protest in Štrpce due to the wounding of two boys, Serbs come from all over the Republic of Kosovo: "We just want peace"
1 année il y a
Vučić: KFOR replied that there is no need to return Serbian security forces to Kosovo and Metohija
Kosovo police confirm the injury of two people in Shtërpce, 11 years old child and a 31-year-old man. According to the media, they are Serbian nationals.  They are suspected of having been shot by a moving vehicle travelling from Shtërpca in the direction of Ferizaj1 année il y a
Kosovo police confirm the injury of two people in Shtërpce, 11 years old child and a 31-year-old man. According to the media, they are Serbian nationals. "They are suspected of having been shot by a moving vehicle travelling from Shtërpca in the direction of Ferizaj
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 42 km SSW of Koróni, Greece
1 année il y a
7 people were killed and 4 others injured as a result of a gas cylinder explosion in a restaurant in the city of Aydin, western Turkey
1 année il y a
Kosovo PM Kurti baffled by a Court decision to grant house arrest for Dejan Pantic. "I know he had heart problems and was on a hunger strike, but he is charged with terrorism. He could have been sent to a hospital. I am curious to see who's the prosecutor of the case", he said
1 année il y a
KFOR supports dialogue in order to ease tensions in Kosmet
1 année il y a
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 5 km NE of Psachná, Greece
1 année il y a
Kosovo authorities closed the country's largest border crossing at Merdare on Wednesday, Reuters reported. This is related to the ongoing Kosovo Serb protests in the north
1 année il y a
Patriarch of Orthodox Church Porfirije, who was banned from entering Kosovo by Pristina, said after meeting with President @avucic that the situation is serious and that the tensions have come to a point which no one wants, asking him to do everything to keep the peace
1 année il y a
Kosovo's Interior Minister, Svecla says its Army forces are not "combat ready" as the country "does not want war, but will fight against crime and terrorism inside Kosovo"
1 année il y a
Barricades erected in north Kosovska Mitrovica
1 année il y a
Vucic promises "to take all measures to protect the people in Kosovo"
Dodik: Republika Srpska is with the leadership of Serbia, Vučić and Serbs in Kosovo
1 année il y a
The EU invited Vučić and Kurti to personally contribute to the solution and calming of tensions
1 année il y a
The full combat readiness of the Serbian Army and Police has been declared