6 July 2024
First results are telling that the rulling DPS has lost the absolute majority in Podgorica. Abazović's party around 5%. A very good result for "Evropa Sad" lead by former ministers Milatović and Spajić
Evidence of significant voter fraud in Bosnia's RS entity continues to mount even as a recount for the RS presidency ongoing. Now, illegally printed ballots - all marked for secessionist Dodik - discovered in one the main tabulation centers
1 year ago
Election day in Montenegro: People were prevented from voting in the Montenegrin town of Šavnik, members of the radical orthodox youth are also reported to have been intimidating people in Tivat
Serbian businessman arrested at Podgorica airport today on elections day. He landed in a private helicopter. He was also arrested in Bosnia ealrier last month for the same reasons during elections in ther country
Russian flag bulker Mikhail Nenashev, part of a sophisticated Russian-run smuggling op that has used falsified manifests and seaborne subterfuge to steal Ukrainian grain, transits Bosphorus en route from occupied Sevastopol likely to Tartus, carrying 27200t of plundered wheat @egetulca OATT1 year ago
Russian flag bulker Mikhail Nenashev, part of a sophisticated Russian-run smuggling op that has used falsified manifests and seaborne subterfuge to steal Ukrainian grain, transits Bosphorus en route from occupied Sevastopol likely to Tartus, carrying 27200t of plundered wheat @egetulca OATT
1 year ago
It's old information
Serbia temporary closes embassy in Ukraine
1 year ago
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation sent a note to the Embassy of Montenegro on the ban on entry into Russia to the heads of the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and the former director of the national security agency of the republic.
The European Commission will likely today recommend EU candidate status to Bosnia but with numerous conditions - in a sense a similar set-up to Ukraine and Moldova in June
Foreign Ministry of Moldova has summoned Ambassador of Russia
1 year ago
Moldova: Russian missiles that targeted Ukraine crossed our airspace
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 8 km WSW of Antikyra, Greece
Third protest in a row is being held in Belgrade in front of the offices of pro-Government tabloid Informer who published an interview with a serial rapist1 year ago
Third protest in a row is being held in Belgrade in front of the offices of pro-Government tabloid Informer who published an interview with a serial rapist
1 year ago
Greek correspondent asks Turkish President Erdogan whether "We might come one night suddenly" means attacking Greece. Erdogan: "You have understood the situation. Our response to any country disturbing us, attacking us is 'We might come one night suddenly'
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar: Our forces are in a state of readiness after Greece illegally arming the islands, which must be demilitarized1 year ago
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar: Our forces are in a state of readiness after Greece illegally arming the islands, which must be demilitarized
Jens Stoltenberg: NATO stands in solidarity with our valued Ally Montenegro, as it takes measures to protect its sovereignty and democracy faced with Russia's spying and other destabilizing malign activities. The Western Balkans are of strategic importance for our Alliance & we remain vigilant
Montenegrin outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said on Tuesday there are clear indications of perpetrators of massive cyber attacks on a Government server, stressing that authorities don't want to go public with that yet
1 year ago
Greece strongly condemns Azerbaijani soldiers brutal execution of unarmed Armenian soldiers. This behavior must bear consequences
1 year ago
BiH: Following the move by @OHR_BiH to amend the Election Law in favour of the main Bosnian Croat party, Croatian President Milanović ups the ante by demanding a "self-government" for Croats in Bosnia
Anti-government protest in Chisinau
1 year ago
Liridona Sijarina and other activists were fined by the police after participating in public protests on August 31 and September 5 about state negligence. Read Sijarina's take on this concerning development. link
Montenegro expelled six Russian diplomats
1 year ago
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan warned that Turkey would reinforce its Military presence in the occupied north after the United States lifted its arms embargo on Cyprus
1 year ago
It was emphasized that we will not refrain from using all kinds of legitimate methods and means for the protection of our nation's interests against Greece's futile efforts. — Statement of the Turkiye National Security Council
1 year ago
Botched raid by @hellenicpolice leads to gunfight at university student dorm in #Athens. Police also smashed their way into several student rooms and left a trail of havoc in search for wanted man. #Greece #πολυτεχνειοπολη
A US State Department spokesperson: Greece's sovereignty over the islands of Lesbos and Chios is not in doubt
Turkish Authorities released footages showing Greek forces delivering armored vehicles to Lesbos and Samos Islands.  The footages (recorded via TB2) show that the vehicles likely to be USA-supplied  M1117 'Guardian' Armored Security Vehicles (ASVs)1 year ago
Turkish Authorities released footages showing Greek forces delivering armored vehicles to Lesbos and Samos Islands. The footages (recorded via TB2) show that the vehicles likely to be USA-supplied M1117 'Guardian' Armored Security Vehicles (ASVs)
1 year ago
Turkey accuses Greece of arming demilitarized islands in the Aegean Sea
Anti-government protest in Chisinau
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan invited all countries to officially recognize the TRNC in the international arena, in New York, where he went to attend the 77th UN General Assembly.
1 year ago
The flights between Russia and TRNC, which are planned to start in November, will take place 7 days a week. Flights will be via Antalya. It is stated that President Erdogan will also participate in the first flight.