6 Кастрычнік 2024
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Kosovo Constitutional Court rejected a complaint by war crimes convict Darko Tasic. In 2020, he was sentenced to 22 years of imprisonment over the massacre against ethnic Albanian civilians in March 1999. The sentence then was cut to 11 years
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Пуцін павіншаваў Вучыча з перамогай на прэзідэнцкіх выбарах у Сербіі. Абмяркоўвалася новае пагадненне аб пастаўках газу з Расіі ў Сербію
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Улады Грэцыі абвясцілі нон грата 12 членаў дыпламатычных і консульскіх прадстаўніцтваў РФ, акрэдытаваных у Грэцыі.
A man rammed his car into the gate of Russia's embassy in Bucharest, Romania. It is still unclear whether the crash was an accident or decapture. The driver died shortly after the incident
З Румыніі будуць высланы 10 расейскіх дыпламатаў
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Славенія патрабуе скарачэння персаналу расійскай амбасады ў Любляне, выклікала амбасадара з-за забойстваў у Буча
Athens: l Greek FMs @NikosDendias, Cyprus @IKasoulides and Israel @yairlapid had a brief meeting with  US @UnderSecStateP V.Nuland2 рок таму
Athens: l Greek FMs @NikosDendias, Cyprus @IKasoulides and Israel @yairlapid had a brief meeting with US @UnderSecStateP V.Nuland
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Greece concludes its repayments to the IMF by paying off €1.9bn, the last batch of a total of €28bn the Fund lent between 2010 and 2014
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In the operation against the PKK in Istanbul, 1 teacher who recruited the mountain staff of the organisation was caught.
Паколькі ўварванне Расіі ва Украіну працягвае пагражаць еўрапейскай бяспецы, Міністэрства абароны ЗША ўхваліла продаж васьмі знішчальнікаў F-16 Балгарыі за здзелку на 1,67 мільярда долараў для падтрымкі ВПС краіны.
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OSCE election mission for Serbia: the combined impact of unbalanced access to the media, undue pressure on public sector employees to support the incumbents, significant campaign finance disparities and misuse of state resources resulted in unequal conditions for contestants
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Дзярждэпартамент падпісаў пагадненне аб продажы васьмі самалётаў F-16 Балгарыі за 1,6 мільярда долараў
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Прэс-сакратар Пентагона Джон Кірбі заявіў, што не будзе характарызаваць продаж Балгарыі F-16 як замену
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Belgrade election commission says @snssrbija won most votes
Representatives of the Assembly of Free Serbia and the Environmental Uprising, with the support of the We Have to coalition, gathered tonight in front of the Republic Election Commission, dissatisfied with the voting process and election results2 рок таму
Representatives of the Assembly of Free Serbia and the Environmental Uprising, with the support of the "We Have to" coalition, gathered tonight in front of the Republic Election Commission, dissatisfied with the voting process and election results
Відэа сустрэчы МЗС Грэцыі @NikosDendias з мэрам Адэсы Генадзем Труханавым. Міністр замежных спраў Грэцыі ўзначаліў місію дапамогі ў нядзелю і паабяцаў дапамагчы аднавіць горад Адэсу. Як паведамляе @GreeceMFA, "дыскусія засяроджана на моцнай прысутнасці грэчаскай дыяспары"2 рок таму
Відэа сустрэчы МЗС Грэцыі @NikosDendias з мэрам Адэсы Генадзем Труханавым. Міністр замежных спраў Грэцыі ўзначаліў місію дапамогі ў нядзелю і паабяцаў дапамагчы аднавіць горад Адэсу. Як паведамляе @GreeceMFA, "дыскусія засяроджана на моцнай прысутнасці грэчаскай дыяспары"
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CRTA: 57.3 pct turnout in Belgrade based on 96 pct of votes counted; SPS leads
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 49 km SSE of Koróni, Greece
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According to preliminary results by the election commission, Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic leads with around 72% of the vote. If this holds, there won't be a second round of presidential elections
Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said on Sunday that according to reports, 6,000 Albanians in Serbia were denied the right to vote because of Serbia's passivization campaign2 рок таму
Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said on Sunday that according to reports, 6,000 Albanians in Serbia were denied the right to vote because of Serbia's passivization campaign
Serbs from Kosovo voted in four municipalities in Serbia after Kosovo's government refused to allow them to vote in Kosovo2 рок таму
Serbs from Kosovo voted in four municipalities in Serbia after Kosovo's government refused to allow them to vote in Kosovo
Israeli army wraps up the Iniochos 2022 drill with Greece and several other countries2 рок таму
Israeli army wraps up the Iniochos 2022 drill with Greece and several other countries
Russian Navy KILO Class submarine on surface in Mediterrean. Unusual.   Sailing directly away from a repair ship, PM-82. A Buyan-M corvette is nearby. Possible that the submarine experienced a problem.  These forces are outer-defense for Ukraine invasion2 рок таму
Russian Navy KILO Class submarine on surface in Mediterrean. Unusual. Sailing directly away from a repair ship, PM-82. A Buyan-M corvette is nearby. Possible that the submarine experienced a problem. These forces are outer-defense for Ukraine invasion
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The trial of the biggest corruption affair to have allegedly ever taken place in Kosovo, where an ex-Minister is charged over 53 million euros payment for a motorway, has encountered the first procedural violation
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@ SecDef вырашыў пакінуць @USSHARRYSTRUMAN і @ 82ndABNDiv. @PentagonPresSec не паказвае на пашырэнне, але кажа, што Пентагон ацэніць, ці выглядае гэта доўгатэрміновая вайна
The meeting of the UAE-Greek Military Committee concludes in Abu Dhabi2 рок таму
The meeting of the UAE-Greek Military Committee concludes in Abu Dhabi
Elections in Serbia are scheduled for Sunday. Minister of Interior says it will be chaos and Groups organized by a foreign factor will try to overthrow Serbia2 рок таму
Elections in Serbia are scheduled for Sunday. Minister of Interior says "it will be chaos" and "Groups organized by a foreign factor will try to overthrow Serbia"
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Расейскія дэлегаты кажуць, што раўнд перамоваў у Стамбуле скончаны, заўтра перамоваў не будзе
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Украінская перамоўная дэлегацыя: Мы гаворым пра тое, як будзем выконваць рэжым спынення агню і гуманітарную дапамогу
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Украінскі перамоўшчык: Польшча, Ізраіль, Канада і Турцыя могуць стаць гарантамі бяспекі Украіны паводле будучага пагаднення з Расіяй - Reuters