4 Лістпад 2024
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Vučić: Citizens should be calm, sanctions will not be introduced
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The Assembly of Albania adopted a resolution: Demands an international investigation into Banjska attack
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Прэзідэнт @sandumaiamd сказаў @HenryJFoy з @FT: Упершыню мы вельмі ясна і адкрыта даем зразумець, што Расія з'яўляецца самай вялікай пагрозай для нашай нацыянальнай бяспекі.
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Five vehicles were seized last night near the Hajdučko Konak on suspicion of smuggling goods
1 чалавек паранены, 2 пашкоджаныя склады на поўдні Адэскай вобласці ў выніку начнога абстрэлу расійскіх войскаў1 рок таму
1 чалавек паранены, 2 пашкоджаныя склады на поўдні Адэскай вобласці ў выніку начнога абстрэлу расійскіх войскаў
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Vučić: KFOR status to remain neutral
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Turkish Pegasus Airlines suspends its flights to Israel until further notice
Прэзыдэнт Украіны Зяленскі сустрэўся з прэзыдэнтам Румыніі Клаўсам Ёханісам: падпісаная дэклярацыя бясьпекі, у тым ліку ў Чорным моры, неўзабаве адкрыюць збожжавы калідор праз Малдову ў Румынію, транзыт праз румынскія парты павялічаць удвая, навучальны цэнтар F-16 для ўкраінскіх пілётаў будзе адкрыты ў Румыніі
Прэзідэнт Зяленскі прыбыў у Румынію
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Ponoš: Vučić did not plan the annexation of the north of Kosovo, establish the truth about Banjska
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.@MiroslavLajcak: WesternBalkans should advance towards EU now
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Kurti: Serbia tried to start a new war, Milan Radoicic is the ‘little Prigozhin’
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The 1st contingent of 200 UK soldiers arrived in Kosovo to reinforce @NATO_KFOR’s peacekeeping mission
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Прэзыдэнт Малдовы Мая Санду кажа, што расейскія ваенізаваныя групоўкі Вагнэра стаялі за сарванай спробай дзяржаўнага перавароту, якая мела на мэце зрынуць яе з пасады кіраўніка дзяржавы ў рамках кампаніі па дэстабілізацыі краіны
Пашкоджанні порта Ізмаіл у выніку атакі расійскіх беспілотнікаў ноччу1 рок таму
Пашкоджанні порта Ізмаіл у выніку атакі расійскіх беспілотнікаў ноччу
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Turkish cargo ship Kafkametler hits mine in Black Sea, sustains minor damage
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.@Bundeskanzler on Serbia, Kosovo: It’s important the situation does not escalate further
The US confirms that the Serbs are withdrawing their troops from the borders of Kosovo
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Serbian FM says Belgrade wants deescalation in Kosovo
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Serbian police detained controversial businessman Milan Radoicic, who has admitted to organising an armed operation by a group of Serbs in north Kosovo last month that left four people dead, including a policeman
Kosovo public broadcaster has secured a document with talking points the Vucic government sent to its embassies, demanding KFOR replace the KP in the north1 рок таму
Kosovo public broadcaster has secured a document with talking points the Vucic government sent to its embassies, demanding KFOR replace the KP in the north
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Law office: €500,000 paid for assassination of Milenkovic
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Serbian Minister of Defense, Miloš Vučević stated today that if the Armed Forces are given to order to enter the Territory of Kosovo they are prepared to do so Effectively and Successfully, but that it will be done not against and with the knowledge of the NATO “KFOR” Peacekeeping Mission within the Country
Dodik: Hungary ready to take over projects in RS that Germany cancelled
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NATO confirms strengthening of KFOR with 200 soldiers to join a 400-strong UK contingent already exercising in Kosovo. Says it’s a “prudent step” in order “to fulfil its UN mandate: to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo”
And Kirby revealed, “We are monitoring a large Serbian deployment along the border of Kosovo," including "unprecedented forward deployment of artillery, tanks, and service members.” “We are calling on Serbia to withdraw those forces.”
Today @Blinken called @anabrnabic, @JakeSullivan46 called @VjosaOsmaniPRKS, @NATO considering increase in deployment to northern Kosovo
Kirby said this week's attack on police in northern Kosovo had "high level of sophistication and training" with “military grade” cache of weapons. “Not the kind of attack carried out randomly, or ad hoc… These kind of arms represent a threat to Kosovo, international personnel."
The White House: Serbs are deploying unprecedented artillery and tanks on the border with Kosovo
White House urges Serbia to 'withdraw' forces from Kosovo border