2 Июль 2024
9 месяц назад
In Novi Sad, posters dedicated to the murdered Serbs in Banjska
9 месяц назад
Kfor: Kosovo police reacted in accordance with the legal powers
Российская атака разрушила паромную переправу на границе с Румынией: в момент атаки там находился автобус с детьми9 месяц назад
Российская атака разрушила паромную переправу на границе с Румынией: в момент атаки там находился автобус с детьми
9 месяц назад
Kosovo's Chief Special Prosecutor, Blerim Isufaj tells RTK two of the killed militia hold both Serbia and Republic of Kosovo citizenships
Miroslav Lajcak: Intense and very substantial consultations with Chief diplomatic advisers Bonne, Plötner, Talo and DAS Escobar. We discussed the next steps in the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and the situation in the north of Kosovo. Grateful for the full support9 месяц назад
Miroslav Lajcak: Intense and very substantial consultations with Chief diplomatic advisers Bonne, Plötner, Talo and DAS Escobar. We discussed the next steps in the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and the situation in the north of Kosovo. Grateful for the full support
9 месяц назад
Blinken: The recent violent attacks on the Kosovo Police near the Banjska Monastery are unacceptable. We call on the governments of Kosovo and Serbia to avoid actions which could further inflame tensions and to immediately return to the EU-facilitated Dialogue
9 месяц назад
The Law on Immovable Property withdrawn from the agenda of the Parliament of the Republic of Srpska
9 месяц назад
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: The United States condemns the violent attack on Kosovo police
Kosovo security forces took control of the Banjska Orthodox monastery in the north of Kosovo after a confrontation with a group of armed men, and the Pristina authorities closed the crossings to Serbia9 месяц назад
Kosovo security forces took control of the Banjska Orthodox monastery in the north of Kosovo after a confrontation with a group of armed men, and the Pristina authorities closed the crossings to Serbia
9 месяц назад
Блинкен: США решительно осуждают жестокие нападения на косовскую полицию
Обломки ракеты С-300 упали в селе Кицканы в Приднестровье, Молдова9 месяц назад
Обломки ракеты С-300 упали в селе Кицканы в Приднестровье, Молдова
The road leading to Banjska remains closed. Prosecutors and investigators heading towards Monastery for evidence. A vehicle filled with ammunition was found close bythis morning, Prosecutor's Office announced9 месяц назад
The road leading to Banjska remains closed. Prosecutors and investigators heading towards Monastery for evidence. A vehicle filled with ammunition was found close bythis morning, Prosecutor's Office announced
At least four people were shot dead in Northern Kosovo yesterday when Serb gunmen stormed the village of Banjska. The gunmen apparently entered the village in armoured vehicles, firing on police before 30 of them, all armed, hid out at a Serbian Orthodox monastery9 месяц назад
At least four people were shot dead in Northern Kosovo yesterday when Serb gunmen stormed the village of Banjska. The gunmen apparently entered the village in armoured vehicles, firing on police before 30 of them, all armed, hid out at a Serbian Orthodox monastery
Serbia / Kosovo : Security Forces released new photos of the captured materials from the attackers in the village of Banjska in Zvečan, Mitrovica District. At least one Yugoslavian/Serbian 64mm M80 'Zolja' anti-tank weapon was captured which appears to be unfired9 месяц назад
Serbia / Kosovo : Security Forces released new photos of the captured materials from the attackers in the village of Banjska in Zvečan, Mitrovica District. At least one Yugoslavian/Serbian 64mm M80 'Zolja' anti-tank weapon was captured which appears to be unfired
9 месяц назад
Prime Minister of Kosovo: A police officer was killed and another was injured in a shooting operation in Kosovo
The SDA, DF, & NES blocs in the BiH Parliament are challenging the constitutional legality of a draconian libel law in the RS entity which has also been condemned by the EU & U.S. Unclear why the Troika parties, which also criticized the law, have not joined this initiative.
9 месяц назад
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic demanded international intervention to free three Serbs who were arrested in Kosovo on suspicion of committing war crimes
Сегодня утром на борту корабля под флагом Того в районе Сулины в дельте Дуная произошел взрыв. Корабль получил повреждения, румынские спасатели забрали 12 членов экипажа. Кажется, корабль нарвался на морскую мину9 месяц назад
Сегодня утром на борту корабля под флагом Того в районе Сулины в дельте Дуная произошел взрыв. Корабль получил повреждения, румынские спасатели забрали 12 членов экипажа. Кажется, корабль нарвался на морскую мину
Сотрудник отеля, который расположен на побережье Тюленево в Болгарии, опубликовал предполагаемые фотографии разбившегося дрона9 месяц назад
Сотрудник отеля, который расположен на побережье Тюленево в Болгарии, опубликовал предполагаемые фотографии разбившегося дрона
9 месяц назад
A dry cargo ship from Russia and a container ship collided off the coast of Istanbul, with no reported injuries, according to the Turkish Coast Guard.
9 месяц назад
МИД РФ: власти Северной Македонии без объяснения причин объявили персона нон грата трех дипломатов российского посольства в Скопье, этот безответственный и враждебный выпад не останется без ответа
9 месяц назад
Turkey and China nearing a nuclear power plant deal. Turkish energy minister says a deal to build a nuclear power plant in eastern Thrace is possible in months as no major issues remain in the negotiations
9 месяц назад
Kosovo PM @albinkurti disputes Borrell's characterization of the meeting:I don't want to speak on his behalf & he should not speak on my behalf. had a concrete proposal to sequence the implementation of all agreements, while Serbia only wants to impose AMS as a condition
9 месяц назад
Vučić in Brussels, met with Borrel and Lajčak
9 месяц назад
МИД Румынии только что вызвал посла России Валерия Кузьмина после того, как третий беспилотник вторгся в воздушное пространство Румынии. Румынская армия обнаружила третий беспилотник на территории Румынии, в 14 км от страны. В этот район прибыл вертолет ВВС. Военные источники: Опасность для населения реальна. Осколки не могли улететь так далеко, дрон, должно быть, долетел до места крушения.
9 месяц назад
Румыния заявила о возможных фрагментах дронов, найденных на ее территории
The head of Sputnik Moldova, Vitali Denisov, was deported from Moldova this morning. He is banned from entering the country for 10 years9 месяц назад
The head of Sputnik Moldova, Vitali Denisov, was deported from Moldova this morning. He is banned from entering the country for 10 years
Повреждения в Измаильском районе Одесской области в результате ночной атаки беспилотников9 месяц назад
Повреждения в Измаильском районе Одесской области в результате ночной атаки беспилотников
9 месяц назад
ПВО активна против беспилотников в Рени и Измаиле, есть и попадания
9 месяц назад
Brnabić: Talks in Brussels will be difficult, Kurti does not want the implementation of the Brussels Agreement