4 Julho 2024
The first prototype of Türkiye's national fighter jet TF-X starts its engines and successfully completes first runway tests1 year atrás
The first prototype of Türkiye's national fighter jet TF-X starts its engines and successfully completes first runway tests
Maia Sandu: O Grupo Shor tem uma tarefa clara - trazer a guerra para a Moldávia. Aqueles que querem a guerra devem ser punidos - eles não representam nosso país, eles não representam nosso povo
O Parlamento da Moldávia aprovou uma lei segundo a qual a língua moldava é, na verdade, a língua romena e deve ser chamada de língua romena
24 manifestantes foram detidos em Chisinau, incluindo 15 menores de idade
Uma manifestação de partidos pró-Rússia se reuniu em frente ao prédio do parlamento em Chisinau, capital da Moldávia
1 year atrás
German Ambassador to Kosovo, Rhode warned both Kosovo and Serbia of possible EU sanctions if a deal is not reached, adds he is sure the 5 EU non-recognizers will move to recognize if "an ideal result" is achieved in the talks
Manifestantes na Moldávia bloqueando estradas exigindo do governo o pagamento de suas contas de serviços públicos
1 year atrás
Earthquake of magnitude 5.4 - central Mediterranean Sea
Protesto contra o governo em Chisinau
1 year atrás
Dacic: SPS is not in favor of imposing sanctions on Russia, it firmly supports the policy of Vucic
Protestos da oposição ocorrem em Orgevei, Cimislia, Chisinau e Ialoveni
Vários diplomatas russos expulsos da UE após o início da guerra foram transferidos para a embaixada da RU na Sérvia1 year atrás
Vários diplomatas russos expulsos da UE após o início da guerra foram transferidos para a embaixada da RU na Sérvia
Voos atrasados no aeroporto de Chișinău devido a ameaça de bomba
President of Kosovo: Great meeting with FM @NikosDendias to discuss recent developments, dialogue with Serbia & Kosovo relations.   I reaffirmed our strong commitment to strengthening our excellent cooperation & readiness to continue close coordination in advancing Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic integration1 year atrás
President of Kosovo: Great meeting with FM @NikosDendias to discuss recent developments, dialogue with Serbia & Kosovo relations. I reaffirmed our strong commitment to strengthening our excellent cooperation & readiness to continue close coordination in advancing Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic integration
A polícia deteve 54 manifestantes hoje em Chisinau, apreendeu itens perigosos
Tensão entre manifestantes e policiais em Chisinau
As autoridades da Transnístria enviaram uma carta ao CSNU pedindo para discutir o plano de assassinato frustrado e pediram à Embaixada da Ucrânia para ajudar na investigação.
2 B-52Hs estão em missão sobre a Bulgária (reg. 60-00261 year atrás
2 B-52Hs estão em missão sobre a Bulgária (reg. 60-0026
A Reuters relata que autoridades da região da Transnístria, na Moldávia, controlada pela Rússia, dizem ter frustrado uma tentativa de assassinato contra o "presidente" da região, Vadim Krasnoselsky.
As autoridades da Transnístria, região separatista da Moldávia, afirmam ter frustrado uma tentativa de assassinato contra o líder local. A polícia deteve o ex-residente de Tiraspol, alegando que ele foi recrutado e treinado pela SBU em Odesa. Land Rover com 8 kgs de explosivo RDX deve ser detonado no centro de Tiraspol
1 year atrás
Nicosia police investigate death of unknown person after fire reported in abandoned house on Tuesday night, one man injured
1 year atrás
Greece: The Greek premier apologizes to the families of the victims of the train crash. Thousands at the demonstration in Athens in front of the Parliament, violent clashes between demonstrators and police
1 year atrás
Clashes in Athens between police and demonstrators after the two trains collided
Street fires and tear gas canisters in clashes between demonstrators and police forces in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, as part of protests against the two trains collision a few days ago, in which more than 142 people were killed and injured, demanding that company officials be held accountable and that they share the results of the investigations with the transparency of the event.1 year atrás
Street fires and tear gas canisters in clashes between demonstrators and police forces in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, as part of protests against the two trains collision a few days ago, in which more than 142 people were killed and injured, demanding that company officials be held accountable and that they share the results of the investigations with the transparency of the event.
Montenegrin police reported on Friday that one people died and five were wounded after the bomb exploded in Basic court building in Podgorica
Explosion in Podgorica Elementary Court: One person killed, five injured
A oposição moldava anunciou uma nova manifestação de protesto no domingo, 12 de março. Os participantes da manifestação se reunirão às 13h perto do prédio do Parlamento.
1 year atrás
Greeks will hold a third day of protests across the country after a fatal train collision killed at least 57 people, sparking public criticism of government failures in the rail network
Police raid Larissa train station in Greece as part of the investigation into a collision between two trains that killed at least 57 people, a police spokesman tells @AFP.  The police have seized. all the documents which can help the investigation, the spokesman says1 year atrás
Police raid Larissa train station in Greece as part of the investigation into a collision between two trains that killed at least 57 people, a police spokesman tells @AFP. "The police have seized. all the documents which can help the investigation," the spokesman says
1 year atrás
Greece train crash death toll rises to 57 amid search