5 Lipiec 2024
6 miesiąc temu
.@avucic with ODIHR mission: I expect fair, democratic elections
6 miesiąc temu
Natural gas from Azerbaijan: Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector put in trial operation
Bułgaria dostarczy Ukrainie stare kompleksy rakiet przeciwlotniczych i rakiety przeciwlotnicze różnego typu w celu wzmocnienia jej obrony przeciwlotniczej. Bułgarski parlament odrzucił weto prezydenta Radewa w sprawie wysłania pojazdów opancerzonych na Ukrainę w ramach pomocy
7 miesiąc temu
Erdogan says the achievement of a fair solution to Cyprus "based on the realities on the island" will be for the benefit of the region
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On his side, Erdogan says the two sides stated the need to maintain open channels of communication; says the Athens Declaration confirmed the will to develop bilateral relations; Turkey and Greece agreed to double bilateral trade
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Mitsotakis reiterates that Athens recognizes the delineation of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) and the continental shelf as the only only point of difference between Greece and Turkey
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have signed a joint declaration of friendship and good neighborly relations
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis says in joint statements with Erdogan that "Greece and Turkey have to live in peace, find solutions [to their problems], and those that cannot be resolved, they should not lead to crises" between the two countries
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Brnabić: Vučić will not be lazy and watch Serbia return to the past
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Erdogan hopes that Athens will open a "new page" in relations with Greece
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Working on behalf of Russian Ministry of Defense @mod_russia owned Oboronlogistika (OFAC/SDN@USTreasury listed), Russian flag cargo vessel Pizhma transited Bosphorus towards Mediterranean Sea en route from Novorossiysk to Kaliningrad
7 miesiąc temu
Magnitude 5.1 earthquake hits sea south of Istanbul
Following a recent string of similar provocations, Bosnian Serb secessionist Dodik says he was thwarted in declaring independence of BiH’s RS entity during first Trump admin by squeamishness of his advisors. Adds he would not delay to do so if Trump is re-elected
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Minister spraw zagranicznych Mołdawii Nicu Popescu wezwał Rosję do wycofania wojsk z Naddniestrza
Jak podaje Europejska Prawda, delegacja ukraińska opuściła salę posiedzeń ministerialnych OBWE w Skopje, gdy zaczął przemawiać rosyjski minister spraw zagranicznych Siergiej Ławrow.7 miesiąc temu
Jak podaje Europejska Prawda, delegacja ukraińska opuściła salę posiedzeń ministerialnych OBWE w Skopje, gdy zaczął przemawiać rosyjski minister spraw zagranicznych Siergiej Ławrow.
Obfite opady śniegu w obwodzie odeskim, zamknięte autostrady, liczne wypadki drogowe, w tym z udziałem ciężarówek ze zbożem7 miesiąc temu
Obfite opady śniegu w obwodzie odeskim, zamknięte autostrady, liczne wypadki drogowe, w tym z udziałem ciężarówek ze zbożem
7 miesiąc temu
UN warcrimes court indicts Seselj
Dodik: There are no secessionist threats in BiH; On the scene is the devastation of the constitutional order with the aim of forced unitarization
After 3 Antonov airlines An-124 flights from Phaphos airport/airbase, Cyprus to Belgrade, for the past 2 days, Serbian Air Force gets their 11 used ex-Cypriot Air Force Mi-35P's delivered7 miesiąc temu
After 3 Antonov airlines An-124 flights from Phaphos airport/airbase, Cyprus to Belgrade, for the past 2 days, Serbian Air Force gets their 11 used ex-Cypriot Air Force Mi-35P's delivered
Prezydent Mołdawii Maia Sandu przybyła do Kijowa7 miesiąc temu
Prezydent Mołdawii Maia Sandu przybyła do Kijowa
7 miesiąc temu
Stoltenberg arrived in Serbia, he was met by Minister Vucevic
President of the Republic of Kosova: I welcomed NATO SG @jensstoltenberg back to Kosovo today.In light of shared security challenges, ’s NATO membership, starting with PfP, is an urgent necessity.It will inevitably pave the way for long-lasting and sustainable peace and security, in our region & beyond7 miesiąc temu
President of the Republic of Kosova: I welcomed NATO SG @jensstoltenberg back to Kosovo today.In light of shared security challenges, ’s NATO membership, starting with PfP, is an urgent necessity.It will inevitably pave the way for long-lasting and sustainable peace and security, in our region & beyond
7 miesiąc temu
Fire set to Leposavic deputy mayor’s car
7 miesiąc temu
.@avucic to @MiroslavLajcak : Serbia ready for dialogue, honoring of signed agreements
Turkish Ministry of Defense: Statement on the Confidence-Building Measures Meeting Between Türkiye and Greece7 miesiąc temu
Turkish Ministry of Defense: Statement on the Confidence-Building Measures Meeting Between Türkiye and Greece
7 miesiąc temu
Kosovo FM calls EU to take clear stand on aggression by Serbia
7 miesiąc temu
.@JosepBorrellF : WestBalkan countries not aligned with EU policies
@DeptofDefense names the 5 @USArmy special operation aviation soldiers killed in Friday’s refueling accident over the eastern Mediterranean: 5 service members dead in US military plane crash in the Eastern Mediterranean7 miesiąc temu
@DeptofDefense names the 5 @USArmy special operation aviation soldiers killed in Friday’s refueling accident over the eastern Mediterranean: 5 service members dead in US military plane crash in the Eastern Mediterranean
Holenderscy ministrowie obrony @DefensieMin i Kavalec @USAmbRO zainaugurowali pierwsze europejskie centrum szkoleniowe F-16 w NATO, w 86 bazie lotniczej w Fetesti w Rumunii. Dla pilotów NATO i Ukrainy7 miesiąc temu
Holenderscy ministrowie obrony @DefensieMin i Kavalec @USAmbRO zainaugurowali pierwsze europejskie centrum szkoleniowe F-16 w NATO, w 86 bazie lotniczej w Fetesti w Rumunii. Dla pilotów NATO i Ukrainy
7 miesiąc temu
Five U.S. Army Special Operations troops killed in a helicopter refueling accident off the southeastern coast of Cyprus on Saturday morning, according to U.S. officials familiar with the incident