4 Jūlijs 2024
2,500 evacuated from Corfu, Greece due to wildfires11 mēnesis atpakaļ
2,500 evacuated from Corfu, Greece due to wildfires
Sea evacuations begin as wildfires spark chaos in CorfunnSee more nn11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Sea evacuations begin as wildfires spark chaos in CorfunnSee more nn
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
A team of firefighters from Slovakia fight fires and drive through thick smoke to control the wildfires raging on the Greek island of Rhodes
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Moldovas parlaments denonsēja 1995. gadā Minskā parakstīto konvenciju par NVS parlamentu asambleju.
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Piedņestras reģionālās komunistiskās partijas līderis Oļegs Horžans savā mājā sadurts ar nazi
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Jovanović: The USA will not provide the Serbian government with evidence about Vulin, that is not the practice
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Interior Minister of Moldova Anna Revenco, Minister of Education and Research Anatolie Topale and Minister of Infrastructure Lilia Dabizha resigned
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Vučić with Chen Bo: Necessary special session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo
US Sanctions Aleksandar Vulin, former Serbian Interior Minister, for large scale corruption
11 mēnesis atpakaļ
Kurti: I cannot hand over a democratic country to this fascist militia in the north
Valsts departaments saka, ka ASV ir atbalstījušas F-16 lidmašīnu piegādi Turkijei un atbalsta Ankaras centienus pievienoties ES
12 mēnesis atpakaļ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 18 km E of Thérmo, Greece
12 mēnesis atpakaļ
Valsts prezidents Zelenskis ieradies vizītē Bulgārijā, tikās ar premjerministru Nikolaju Denkovu
12 mēnesis atpakaļ
Serbia will request an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council because of the threat to the security of its citizens in Kosovo, - Vučić said
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that 40 employees of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, together with their families, will leave the country in the near future
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Aizdomās turamais šāvējs Kišiņevas lidostā ir Tadžikistānas pilsonis
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Moldovas varasiestādes pēc nāvējošās apšaudes Kišiņevas lidostā ir noteikušas visas valsts institūcijas, kā arī tiesībsargājošās iestādes - prezidenti Maiju Sandu. Pēc viņas teiktā, apšaudes rezultātā nogalināti divi cilvēki - robežsargs un lidostas drošības dienesta darbinieks
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Tiek ziņots, ka 2 cilvēki tika nogalināti pēc tam, kad aizdomās turamais Krievijas pilsonis atklāja uguni Kišiņevas lidostā, aizdomās turamais tika aizturēts
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Krievija neiejaucās EDSO misijas Moldovā mandāta pagarināšanā, kas beidzās 30.jūnijā. Maskava piekrita to pagarināt līdz šā gada beigām. Vienlaikus viņa nosacīja misijas darba turpināšanu, sasaucot sarunas par Piedņestras konflikta atrisināšanu. Šoreiz vienkāršā tekstā tika teikts: ja sarunas nenotiks, EDSO misija Moldovā beigs pastāvēt.
The Republika Srpska National Assembly (RNSA) today carried out a reckless attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the BiH Constitution it established. No amount of political rhetoric or misinformation can alter the fundamental fact that Article III (3) of the Dayton Constitution clearly states that the Republika Srpska must fully comply with the decisions of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes final and binding rulings of the BiH Constitutional Court. The Republika Srpska cannot unilaterally nullify this obligation; nor can it legally ignore BiH Constitutional Court decisions.
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Prokrieviskās aizliegtās partijas Shor līderis Ilans Šors paziņoja par plāniem vadīt savu valdību
Orban: Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has just informed me that in accordance with the request made at our meeting last week, the Serbian authorities will soon release the three previously arrested Kosovo policemen from custody. We highly appreciate the step of President @avucic, which he took in a period of serious challenges, and which decision is a clear proof of the strategic cooperation between our countries, and our mutual commitment to the peace and stability of the Balkans
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The attack was aimed at killing Jews was plotted by intelligence services linked to the IRGC. According to sources, the operation to thwart potential assassinations was carried out in cooperation with Cyprus' intelligence together with Western partners
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea1 gads atpakaļ
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea
JosepB orrell:Very alarmed by situation in north of Kosovo: extrajudicial arrests of K-Serbs & Kosovo Security Forces marching in South Mitrovica; followed by heavy rhetoric from Serbia. Despite yesterday's crisis meeting, escalation continues & is becoming dangerous. We will not tolerate it
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Moldovas Ārlietu ministrija izsauca Krievijas vēstnieku pēc tam, kad Krievijas okupācijas varas pārstāvji daļā Hersonas apgabala draudēja uzsist tiltu Moldovā
Gracanica/Kosovo Dozens of locals gathered on Thursday in front of the police station at the Serb majority municipality, in protest against the arrest of Kosovo Serb D.S. on one war crime charges one day prior1 gads atpakaļ
Gracanica/Kosovo Dozens of locals gathered on Thursday in front of the police station at the Serb majority municipality, in protest against the arrest of Kosovo Serb D.S. on one war crime charges one day prior
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ES paplašināšanās: šodien ES Komisija iepazīstinās ar mutisku novērtējumu par Ukrainas, Moldovas un Gruzijas progresu dalības ES priekšnosacījumu īstenošanā.
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Police arrested a Kosovo Serb suspected of committing war crimes against ethnic Albanians while he was a prison guard during the 1998-99 conflict, causing a protest by locals in the Serb-majority municipality of Gracanica
Rumānijas Melnās jūras petromidiju pārstrādes rūpnīcā noticis sprādziens, ziņo ārkārtas reaģēšanas vienība - Reuters