3 Julio 2024
Josep Borrell Fontelles: We have a deal. Kosovo and Serbia have agreed on the Implementation Annex of the Agreement on the path to normalisation of relations The parties have fully committed to honour all articles of the agreement and implement their respective obligations expediently and in good faith
High Representative Josep Borrell, just now in Ohrid: "The agreement and annex between Kosovo and Serbia are considered approved on the basis of my statement." This after Serbia refused to signed the agreement explicitly and after Kosovo demanded changes to the annex
Borell: After 12 hours we have a deal how to implement the agreement of normalization between Kosovo and Serbia
Vučić after the trilateral meeting in Ohrid: A few points have been agreed, everything is just starting now, I haven't signed anything
"I didn't sign anything. The Associaction has to be created as it is with 2013/15 agreements" - Vucic Kosovo Serbia
The first prototype of Türkiye's national fighter jet TF-X starts its engines and successfully completes first runway tests1 año atrás
The first prototype of Türkiye's national fighter jet TF-X starts its engines and successfully completes first runway tests
Maia Sandu: El Grupo Shor tiene una tarea clara: llevar la guerra a Moldavia. Los que quieren la guerra deben ser castigados: no representan a nuestro país, no representan a nuestro pueblo.
El Parlamento de Moldavia adoptó una ley que establece que el idioma moldavo es en realidad idioma rumano, y debería llamarse idioma rumano
24 manifestantes fueron detenidos en Chisinau, incluidos 15 menores de edad
Una manifestación de partidos prorrusos se reunió frente al edificio del parlamento en Chisinau, la capital de Moldavia.
1 año atrás
German Ambassador to Kosovo, Rhode warned both Kosovo and Serbia of possible EU sanctions if a deal is not reached, adds he is sure the 5 EU non-recognizers will move to recognize if "an ideal result" is achieved in the talks
Manifestantes en Moldavia bloqueando carreteras exigiendo al gobierno que pague sus facturas de servicios públicos
1 año atrás
Earthquake of magnitude 5.4 - central Mediterranean Sea
Protesta contra el gobierno en Chisinau
1 año atrás
Dacic: SPS is not in favor of imposing sanctions on Russia, it firmly supports the policy of Vucic
Protestas de la oposición tienen lugar en Orgevei, Cimislia, Chisinau e Ialoveni
Varios diplomáticos rusos expulsados de la UE tras el inicio de la guerra fueron trasladados a la embajada de la RU en Serbia1 año atrás
Varios diplomáticos rusos expulsados de la UE tras el inicio de la guerra fueron trasladados a la embajada de la RU en Serbia
Vuelos retrasados en el aeropuerto de Chișinău debido a una amenaza de bomba
President of Kosovo: Great meeting with FM @NikosDendias to discuss recent developments, dialogue with Serbia & Kosovo relations.   I reaffirmed our strong commitment to strengthening our excellent cooperation & readiness to continue close coordination in advancing Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic integration1 año atrás
President of Kosovo: Great meeting with FM @NikosDendias to discuss recent developments, dialogue with Serbia & Kosovo relations. I reaffirmed our strong commitment to strengthening our excellent cooperation & readiness to continue close coordination in advancing Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic integration
La policía detuvo hoy a 54 manifestantes en Chisinau y confiscó artículos peligrosos
Tensiones entre manifestantes y policía en Chisinau
Las autoridades de Transnistria enviaron una carta al Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas pidiendo discutir el plan de asesinato frustrado y pidieron a la Embajada de Ucrania que ayudara con la investigación.
2 B-52H están en misión sobre Bulgaria (reg. 60-00261 año atrás
2 B-52H están en misión sobre Bulgaria (reg. 60-0026
Reuters informa que los funcionarios de la región de Transnistria en Moldavia, controlada por Rusia, dicen que han frustrado un intento de asesinato contra el "presidente" de la región, Vadim Krasnoselsky.
Las autoridades de Transnistria, región separatista de Moldavia, afirman que han frustrado un intento de asesinato contra el líder local. La policía detuvo a un ex residente de Tiraspol, afirmó que fue reclutado y entrenado por SBU en Odesa. Land Rover con 8 kg de explosivo RDX debe ser detonado en el centro de Tiraspol
1 año atrás
Nicosia police investigate death of unknown person after fire reported in abandoned house on Tuesday night, one man injured
1 año atrás
Greece: The Greek premier apologizes to the families of the victims of the train crash. Thousands at the demonstration in Athens in front of the Parliament, violent clashes between demonstrators and police
1 año atrás
Clashes in Athens between police and demonstrators after the two trains collided
Street fires and tear gas canisters in clashes between demonstrators and police forces in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, as part of protests against the two trains collision a few days ago, in which more than 142 people were killed and injured, demanding that company officials be held accountable and that they share the results of the investigations with the transparency of the event.1 año atrás
Street fires and tear gas canisters in clashes between demonstrators and police forces in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, as part of protests against the two trains collision a few days ago, in which more than 142 people were killed and injured, demanding that company officials be held accountable and that they share the results of the investigations with the transparency of the event.
Montenegrin police reported on Friday that one people died and five were wounded after the bomb exploded in Basic court building in Podgorica