4 七一 2024
4,500 hectares of forest burned in wildfires in Marmaris
美国空军的 F-35A 闪电在乌克兰边境附近盘旋2 年 前
美国空军的 F-35A 闪电在乌克兰边境附近盘旋
2 年 前
Turkey police break up Istanbul Pride march, detain dozens including AFP photographer
Bulgarian lawmakers voted in favor of the government lifting its veto on EU membership talks for North Macedonia. North Macedonia's path has been blocked by the government in Sofia since 2020 over a dispute concerning the rights of the ethnic Bulgarian minority
Bulgaria's parliament votes to lift veto of North Macedonia's EU accession talks "under certain conditions"
2 年 前
Vulin: If war is a condition for Serbia to progress faster towards the EU, then thank you
乌克兰需要希望,我们今天给了这个希望 - 波兰总理 @MorawieckiM 关于授予乌克兰和摩尔多瓦欧盟候选资格
在乌克兰候选人地位决定后,@ZelenskyyUa 现在与欧盟领导人会议实时连接
查尔斯·米歇尔:同意。 EUCO刚刚决定乌克兰和摩尔多瓦的欧盟候选国地位。一个历史性的时刻。今天标志着你在通往欧盟的道路上迈出了关键的一步。祝贺@ZelenskyyUa 和@sandumaiamd 以及乌克兰和摩尔多瓦人民。我们的未来在一起
German chancellor: Western Balkan countries should have a good chance of joining the European Union
2 年 前
Kosovo President: We look forward to a clear and unified decision from the EU summit on our European prospects
Maia Sandu:在重要的 EUCO 会议之前,与@ZelenskyyUa 总统通了一个很好的电话。我们讨论了@EU_Commission 关于授予摩尔多瓦和乌克兰候选人身份的建议。我们致力于加强我们在欧盟一体化方面的合作
Air Tractor AT-802 firefighting aircraft intervened in the forest fire in Bördübet, Marmaris.
2 年 前
克罗地亚总理安德烈·普连科维奇在三海倡议 (EurActiv) 上宣布,计划将其浮动液化天然气 (LNG) 终端的容量从目前的每年 29 亿立方米提升至 6.1 bcm
2 年 前
Gazprom to cut off gas to Greece from tomorrow until June 27th
2 年 前
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 24 km SE of Fry, Greece
2 年 前
Member of the Presidium of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Serbs Dodik said he intends to discuss with Putin the implementation of existing agreements under pressure from the West
Ursula von der Leyen:我们还建议给予摩尔多瓦候选人地位,条件是该国将进行改革。摩尔多瓦正走在真正支持改革、反腐败和欧洲的道路上。它还有很长的路要走。但我们相信它有潜力达到标准
欧盟委员会已经达成一项初步协议:乌克兰和摩尔多瓦现在成为候选国,随后是要遵守的条件。对于佐治亚州现在的条件和之后获得候选人身份的机会。将在下周由 EUCO 的领导人讨论
2 年 前
.@SpaceX: Starlink is now live in North Macedonia. Excited to further access to high-speed, low-latency broadband internet in the Balkans
Greek and Turkish defence ministers at NATO defence ministers meeting
The opposition in the Bulgarian parliament voted down the parliament speaker Nikola Minchev, in a preview of what is awaiting Prime Minister @KirilPetkov
2 年 前
A few dozen primary schools in Serbia got bomb threats this morning, and they are currently inspected. Bomb threats were reported in Belgrade, Nis, Zajecar, Novi Pazar, Kraljevo, Loznica, Novi Sad, Zrenjanin
2 年 前
According to authorities and local media, bomb threats were also reported in all primary schools in Serbian municipalities in Kosovo